
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Angus!!


Happy Birthday Angus!
I can't believe that you're 14 already!

You were this gorgeous little (well not so little) baby just a few years ago!
This was you at 10 weeks old. You looked more like a 6 month old.

Who grew into an adorable little kindy kid!
You were 4 in this picture.

What an adorable tween you were! So bubbly & bright!
You looked fantastic in your Harry Potter glasses :)
This is you at aged 10, all dressed up for your Primary Christmas presentation at Church.

What a handsome young man you've turned out to be!
You rock! I am so proud of you!!

I hope you have an awesomely fantastic day!!
xoxo Mum xoxo

Me & Him


Beverly from The Beverly Buzz blogged these questions about couples, so did Nat from Nat's Natterings. So I thought I would have a go too.

1. What are your middle names?
Mine is Lee (I got that name from the family doctor - Mum was original huh?!). Mark's is a secret (you can try & guess if you want)

2. How long have you been together?
It will be 5 years in January.

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We met online in 2000 but we didn't meet in person until 2002.

4. Who asked who out?
I asked him

5. How old are each of you?
I'm 29 (well you needn't think I'd tell my real age would you?) and he is 38

6. Did you go to the same school?
No - we grew up in different states.

7. Are you from the same home town?
No. I'm from South Australia & Mark was born in Victoria but grew up elsewhere.

8. Who is the smartest?
Oh I don't know. It depends on how you define smart. We both have strengths in different areas. Plus we are both smart asses does that count?

9. Who majored in what?
I completed my Diploma of Education majoring in Art with a minor in History. Mark completed High School but he's never stopped learning.

10. Who is the most sensitive?
I would say both of us - it depends on the subject.

11. Where is the furthest you two have travelled together as a couple?
Adelaide, South Australia

12. Who has the worst temper?
Oh I don't know. Probably me.

13. How many children do you want?
We're a blended family. We don't have any children together.

14. Who does the cooking?
Mostly me but Mark does cook now and then.

15. Who is more social?
Neither of us really but I would have to say Mark would socialise with the neighbours more than I do. So I guess its Mark if I had to choose someone.

16. Who is the neat freak?
Neither of us really but we do like things to be relatively tidy.

17. Who is the most stubborn?
I'm not stubborn I am strong willed :P

18. Who wakes up earlier?
I do but Mark goes to sleep at odd hours.

19. Where was your first date?
Gosh now you're asking. An official one, I don't remember but an unofficial one was around 6 years ago.

20. Who has the biggest family?
I do. I'm the youngest of 8 and Mark is the oldest of 3.

21. Do you get flowers often?

22. How do you spend the holidays?
We have a lot of Staycations. We don't go away for holidays very often. In fact it's once every two years if we are lucky.

23. Who is more jealous?
Neither of us really. There's nothing to be jealous of.

24. How long did it take to get serious?
Well it depends on who you ask but I would say it wasn't that long but we had been best friends for years.

25. Who eats more?
Oh I don't know it depends on our moods I suppose.

26. What do you do for a living?
In a past life I was a Junior Primary School teacher but right now I am a Mum & a Carer. Mark's had a lot of jobs over the years. You could say he's a jack of all trades.

27. Who does the laundry?
I do.

28. Who's better with the computer?
Mark is the go to guy for computers. Even the neighbours come to him for help.

29. Who drives when you are together?
I do but that's only because its my car. Mark has a motorbike.

30. What is your song?
Would you believe we don't have one?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Meet Me On Monday 24thEdition

Hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old


1. What is your favorite way to eat chicken?
2. Have you decorated for Christmas yet?
3. What is your favorite article of clothing?
4. Do you pay your bills online or write checks the old way?
5. Do you make Christmas cookies?

My Answers!

1. What is your favorite way to eat chicken?
Chicken is my absolute favourite meat. I like it whichever way it is cooked but lemon chicken or honey soy are extra yummy.

2. Have you decorated for Christmas yet?
Not yet, we always wait until after Angus's birthday (its tomorrow btw) before we decorate.

3. What is your favorite article of clothing?
I have this purple nightie that I just love to wear. It's so comfy :)

4. Do you pay your bills online or write checks the old way?
I never wrote cheques to pay the bills. I do like to pay online but most of its set up to pay every week/fortnight in instalments. That way when the bill finally comes in is either paid for in full or almost paid.

5. Do you make Christmas cookies?

No, I can't say that I have ever made them but there's always a first time I guess.

Jack Frost

Ta da!! I finally finished him last night. To be honest I wasn't totally inspired to knit all that much over than past week so it took a lot longer to finish than I had wanted but you get days like that. At least I can now say he's done!!
Now what do I make ....

Sunday, November 28, 2010

30 Day Meme - Your Dream House

Artwork by Edward Farber

I used to romanticise about the old style mansions from the 1800's. They just looked so elegant and beautiful with the tree lined avenue leading from the gate right up to the house. I would love to stay in a place like that, perhaps not to live in it but to at least holiday in one.
I would also hate to think how long it would take to clean up the place. I HATE housework! And to clean a home that big would be a nightmare!!

What is your dream home like?

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Laptop Saga

**WARNING** Super LONG post!

I contacted Angus's school the other day asking about what happened to the Scholarship money that he had won for his laptop. Angus was awarded a Laptop Scholarship just before he started High School. He had to write a letter stating why he wanted to be in the laptop class, what sort of a person he was, how he would look after his laptop etc. It was really exciting for Angus to have been awarded this money. It was $600 to help us pay for something we could not have afforded at the time. We truly were struggling with paying for everything back then.

Anyway, the reason I had asked the school was the fact that I had spoken with the rent-tech people who are in charge of the financial side of this while we rent the laptop. I had wanted to get a pay out figure from them so that we would own the laptop outright once the three year rental had expired. So I wanted to know the balance owing. I also asked if the scholarship money had been used as the school promised to pay the $450 deposit for me.
Well not the deposit actually as the rental company would not accept my order until I had paid the deposit via credit card before the order was even completed. So technically they school was meant to pay the $450 off the balance owing so I wouldn't have to continue paying the $40 per month for three years.

Imagine my surprise when the lady I spoke with told me that they didn't accept payments like that for the laptops. That the scholarship money was NOT paid into the rental account. I thought hang on a minute where did the money go? The school certainly didn't put credit onto our school account because when I have received the print out for what money we owe its never really shown us in lots of credit.

I finally went into the office the other day and asked about it. Of course they couldn't see what had happened with the money but they had only checked for this year and not last year when the money would have actually been deposited. The lady in the office left a message for the Laptop coordinator so that she could get back to me and let me know what happened.

I received a phone call from the coordinator today. She seemed a bit confused about my inquiry. The question she answered (what the lady at the office had written down) was not the one I had asked. So I explained to her how I had spoken with the rent-tech people. That they said the scholarship money wasn't paid to them because they don't accepts payments in the format. So the coordinator said she would check things out her end and call me back.

I was just curious as to what happened with the money. I think I was within my rights to find out. It was awarded to Angus after all for that BRILLIANT letter he wrote.

The coordinator phoned me back again about 5 minutes later stating that they had absolutely NO record of Angus ever receiving a scholarship. To which I replied that I still had the letter he had written and the letter of thanks that he written once he had found out he had won one. Angus was notified via email that he had received it and I thought he had kept it in his gmail account. I should have printed it out and kept it in his folder in the filing cabinet because when Angus got home from school and logged into gmail I could not find the email at all.

Of course the coordinator sounded put out that I had asked about this now. She basically stated that she had now been lumped with this. She was surprised that the rent-tech people had not queried about this payment earlier. I said that I paid it out of my OWN pocket. I forgot to mention that the order would not have been accepted by them unless I had paid the deposit by credit card. She said she would get back to me.

And now the waiting begins .......

I'll let you know more once I find out what's going on.

I Finally Made My Pumpkin Pie, nom nom

I finally got around to making my pumpkin pie today. It looks really yummy & I can't wait to try it after dinner. I know I could have a slice now if I wanted to but if I did I don't think I would be able to eat my tea. I want to be a good role model for the boys (pffffffft yeah right) Seriously though I do enjoy eating pumpkin pie and I can wait to eat it.

Brodie phoned me around 11 am stating that he didn't have to be at school for the rest of the day because he doesn't have any more classes & could I please pick him up. I tell you that kid has MORE time off school than I ever did! This end of year stuff suck big time once you child is in year 10 or higher! Needless to day I wasn't too pleased about picking him up. It disrupts my plans for the day. Although I did make him earn his 'early' minute from school.
Brodie had to get the eggs from the egg farm, be my pack mule in the supermarket, put the groceries away (not that we had many) AND help puree the pumpkin for the pie. I could have made him do more. I'm just glad he didn't grumble about what I had asked him to do. He even said he enjoyed mushing up the pumpkin. Although he hated using the ricer and preferred to use a fork.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday


Things I am thankful for this week
  • The rain that has helped cool things down
  • My air-conditioner that helped keep my home a bit cooler than it was outside
  • My strapping young man who helped me with the grocery shopping this week
  • That Angus felt really good after completing a Science assignment and submitting it to his teacher
What are you thankful for this week?

One Month To Go

You may not want the reminder but its one month to go until Christmas.
Are you ready for the big day yet?
I still need to get a present for my Dad and post it. I also need to wrap the presents I already have. I'm getting there though.
At least I have all the food so wont have to put up with the crowds in the supermarkets.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Photos

I can't believe that Brodie actually let me take a photo of him yesterday. He is a bit like me lately and HATES to have his photo taken. The only reason he let me point the camera at him was so he could show off his new haircut!

It's a shame that he didn't smile. He has sparkly eyes when he smiles and looks cute but don't tell him I said that! He would disagree.

Oh and that stuff on his chin, its in honour of Movember and since he isn't able to grow a moustache yet he decided he would call this month chinvember instead and grow a beard. Last year it was sideburns. I have to admit he is inventive.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Another Taste Of Summer

I'm feeling a bit like this woman at the moment because we're having another 'taste' of Summer. I know there's a kids song for rain, rain go away but is there one for telling Summer to go away?

I hate the warmer weather. It makes my feet and my finger feel all FAT and stiff. It's even too warm to knit :(

I know I shouldn't complain. I know we will get hotter weather than this before Summer is over. I just hate the thought of the hot weather and the possibilities of fire that come along with it.

A Bit Of A Spring Clean

Mark & I decided to tidy up the cutlery drawer last night. It started with just the top drawer really and ended with me tidying ALL four drawers.

To be honest I was getting a bit tired of all the odd pieces of cutlery that we had (plus for some reason pieces used to go missing) and thought it was time to use our 8 piece set. There's no point keeping new things for a rainy day because that day may never come.
Hmmm that reminds me ... I need to let Mark know to ONLY take the older cutlery outside to the shed. I don't want the new ones lost. Well, they don't always get lost in the shed they just take quite a while to make their way back indoors.

The cutlery & utensils we cleaned out were offered to one of our neighbours. I thought about keeping some for the boys for when they eventually move out of home but Mark reminded me that cutlery sets aren't that expensive we can always get the boys new ones when they move out. I'm sure the boys would prefer new stuff anyway.

At least I know where everything is right now. However, I am not too sure how long that will last but the drawers are tidy.

One thing cleaned/tidied many more to go ....

Have you done a bit of a spring clean recently?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Meet Me On Monday 23rd Edition

Hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old


1. How many pillows do you sleep with?
2. Where will you eat on Thanksgiving?
3. Would you rather go to a party or host a party?
4. How many purses (for the guys..wallets) do you own?
5. What is your favorite kind of seafood?

1. How many pillows do you sleep with?
I sleep with two pillows.

2. Where will you eat on Thanksgiving?
We don't do Thanksgiving hear in Australia but I was thinking of making Pumpkin Pie.

3. Would you rather go to a party or host a party?
Personally I don't really like parties all that much. In fact I usually avoid them. That being said if I had to be at one I would rather go to one, it means less cleaning up.

4. How many purses (for the guys..wallets) do you own?
I wasn't sure if this mean the purse that your money goes into (female version of a wallet) or a handbag. I only have one purse and two, maybe three handbags.

5. What is your favourite kind of seafood?
I love prawns. The only problem with that is they give me gout if I eat too many of them and that hurts like the dickens! I only wish prawns were cheaper (they're a bit out of my price range most weeks) I would gladly put up with the pain because they taste SOOOOOOO good!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


What did the big candle say to the little candle?
I'm going out tonight!

- - - - - - -

That candle seems to go out more than I do :P

Sick Kiddo

I had to go collect Brodie from respite early this morning. He phoned around 7:30am and asked me to pick him up because he had been sick overnight. Brodie got angry with me when I told him that I would be there in an hour. I don't think he realised that he had woken me up. I wanted to shower and make a cup of tea before I left.
Once we were in the car heading home I spoke with him about it. He assumed that I would immediately jump into the car and get him. He thought I was angry and was going to make him wait so he hung up on me. Brodie soon realised that not everyone is wide awake when they first get out of bed.

Being picked up so early put a dampener on Brodie's plans for today. The kids at respite had organised to go and see Harry Potter this morning. I could see he was disappointed so I told Brodie that I can drop him off at the cinema after school one night this week. He could ask a friend from school to join him. At least that way he wont be on his own. I don't think he's actually seen a movie by himself yet.

Right now Brodie is in bed. Probably on his laptop talking with friends via Facebook. Lets hope he feels well enough for school tomorrow.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Potter Magic

Angus & I just got back from seeing Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1. Another definite movie purchase when the DVD comes out! Mind you that was kind of a no brainer since we already have all of the other movies.

Both Angus and I really enjoyed it. I did notice one thing though, we didn't talk about our favourite bits as much as we do with other movies. Not sure why. Perhaps its because there were no real favourite bits and for the simple fact that the movie is much darker than the previous ones. It was kind of hard to choose any good bits.

I do know one thing though. If you are going to see it & you are like me and get so into the movies (and the books) it might be an idea to take along some tissues. Cos you are going to need them.

Friday, November 19, 2010

It's A Respite Weekend

Oh boy am I pooped. I feel like I have run the marathon. Well okay, maybe that is a slight exaggeration but I am pooped and all I did was drive Brodie to his respite house 41km (about 25.5 miles) away. I guess it was due to the fact it was warm in the car and it makes me feel a bit tired. An 8o+ km trip does that to me these days *yawn*

At least Brodie made it to his respite house where he will stay until some time on Sunday when I go pick him up. I guess it depends on when he gets tired of being there and wishes to come home. I am sure we all needed this break.

Now Mark, Angus & I need to decide what we will be doing tonight as far as dinner is concerned. Angus wants hot chips (again) and I think Mark does too. As long as Mark goes to pick it up I don't mind but I will make a small salad to go with it.

Angus & I will snuggle together on the couch tonight to watch Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade. Our favourite Indy movie EVER! Almost like a date! :)

Things Are A Bit Odd This Morning

It's a little bit strange here this morning. The boys managed to get along really well. So well that Brodie is even walking with Angus to school. For those of you who don't know, the boys go to separate schools. Brodie isn't at school again today. He had exams this week and had finished those on Wednesday but he will be back there next week for Year 12 Orientation. I can't believe it the boys WANTED to walk TOGETHER! Amazing!

Mark & I don't normally let Angus walk to & from school because he's got his laptop. So for his protection and to make it easier on him, the laptop & bag weighs around 2kg (4.4 lbs), he get a ride in the mornings & he catches the bus home. Angus's school is just over 2 km (about 1.5 miles) from our house. He thoroughly enjoys it when we let him walk to school, usually when his laptop is in for a service due to something being broken.

I am just so glad that the boys are getting along so well this morning. It's made my day start of really well :) I love it!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday


Oh boy, I need a rest! I've been busy this morning and its not even 11am yet! I've done two loads of washing & hung it out. I also did the grocery shopping, been to the chemist and to the butchers. I put all the groceries away (with help, thanks Brodie). I also washed the dishes and contemplated vacuuming the lounge/dining/computer room (its one big room). Thankfully I didn't have to do that because Brodie was kind enough to do that for me. Now I'm off to water the veggie patch (I use grey water) then I'll be set to have a bit of a break & maybe do some more crafty stuff although I do have a new crossword book that is calling my name.

Things that I am thankful for ...
  • Brodie help me out this morning with the groceries & vacuuming.
  • having a tidy (well a little bit tidier) home
  • the boys co-operating with each other more often than not this week
  • having a family that I love to bits who loves me back just as much!
What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Work In Progress

As promised, this is what I have been making this week. I got tired of making Santa after Santa so I started making Jack Frost. He's a bit armless at the moment. That will be the next thing I will make for him.

I've used a bit of artistic license. His hat isn't the colour its meant to be because I was afraid I would run out of the light blue. I thought as long as I make it with the same colour scheme it wouldn't matter too much. What do you think of him so far?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

One Of THOSE Mornings

We had another one of THOSE starts to the day. You know the type. The ones where the boys have a disagreement. Well maybe not both boys but one in particular does. The kid with the potty mouth, the LOUD mouth, the kid who tells people where to go, the kid who is talking online with a girl who decides to join him with the verbal the abuse towards the little brother.

Yes it was one of THOSE mornings!

I hate mornings like this. I had to intervene because that is what you do. Its what I do. Only if you do say something you cop the "F" work in 50 million different sentences (okay so I exaggerated but it felt like that many & I am certain that he would've make a trooper blush!). I've had enough of these starts to the day. Enough to last a lifetime or two. I told Mr Potty mouth to leave. So he did. He packed his school gear, took his meds and went outside. I assumed he began walking to the bus stop. I wasn't going to chase him as that only makes matters worse. I was going to leave home at the usual time and pick him up on the way.

However he had different ideas. Mr Potty mouth went to the house of one of the kids from his school and got a lift with them to the bus stop. The reason I know this is he was at least kind enough to send me a text message letting me know he's got a ride. I replied to him wishing him the best for today's Music exam.

Poor Angus asked me afterwards, once Brodie had left, if it was his fault that this tantrum/explosion happened. It certainly wasn't. He had hardly uttered a word at all before Brodie blew his stack. I feel so bad that Angus even thought that it was his fault.

Now I am left wondering if this is one of the reactions Brodie has in order to handle the stress of exams. He's not one of those types of kids who reacts well to exams, not that many kids enjoy them they just cope better than my aspie. It just makes me think that it's his way of coping when the day is an unknown. Brodie was never one of those kids who coped at all during the end of the school year & he's the same way at the beginning of a new school year too. I am not making excuses for him but maybe it is his way of trying to get things under control. After all he knows how we will react if he blows his stack. Who knows?

Brodie only has one more exam and that's tomorrow. I'm just crossing my fingers that he doesn't start the day like he did today. I am also crossing my fingers that when I pick him up at the bus stop tonight he is in a much better frame of mind.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Meet Me On Monday 22nd Edition

Hosted by Java at Never Growing Old

1. Do you eat Sushi?
2. What kind of bath soap do you use?
3. How often do you talk to your Mom?
4. What TV shows do you watch on a regular basis?
5. Did you start Christmas shopping yet?


1. Do you eat Sushi?
To be honest I have never really tried it.

2. What kind of bath soap do you use?
I use one that I buy from the local farmers market made using vegetable oil rather than animal fat. I think they are much nicer than the ones bought in the supermarket.

3. How often do you talk to your Mom?
Sadly I can't talk with my Mum. She passed away a little over 10 years ago. Although there are times when I still 'talk' to her. Sometimes I just wish she could answer.
4. What TV shows do you watch on a regular basis?
Packed to the Rafters, Sea Patrol, Home & Away, Iron Chef, Criminal Minds, CSI Miami, The Mentalist, CSI, Heartbeat, Iron Chef Australia, Warehouse 13, Caprica, Bones, Castle, Mythbusters, The Fringe, Human Target. There are more but I just can't think of them right now. I record a lot of these shows on the PVR and watch them when I have the time.

5. Did you start Christmas shopping yet?
Yes I started the other week and I have pretty much finished it too. Normally I start during the after Christmas sales but I didn't this time round.

My New Favourite Song

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Waiting .. for my Chrisco

I'm meant to have someone at home today waiting for a delivery. Now this is one delivery I don't mind waiting for. My Chrisco hampers. Now for those of you who don't live in Australia (or New Zealand) wont have a clue what I am referring to.

Chrisco (short for Christmas Company) specialises in Christmas Hampers. You make weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments depending on when & how much you wish to pay.

I am NOT being paid for this post I just like the fact that I can get all my groceries for Christmas and a few extra bits and pieces (like presents) delivered to my door. Paying fortnightly (just like any ordinary bill) makes it so much easier than paying out a big lump sum at the check out and it beats the last minute rush to buy food for that special day! I'm all for anything that creates less stress.

I have only found one set back in getting my Christmas hampers delivered so early (you don't get a choice on what day they bring it to you, its whenever they are in your area) is that with so many yummy goodies to eat I find it hard to keep everyone, myself included, away from the food. In the past I have managed to leave one of the boxes unopened until about a week before Christmas. That way we wont eat ALL of it beforehand. Of course the frozen goods get put away immediately.

Do you get Chrisco or any hampers at all for Christmas? I would love to hear how you get ready for the holiday season.

I LOVE My Interwebs!

The Internet can be a wonderful thing. I just managed to pay a whole heap of bills without having to leave home. Now I can concentrate on more important thing .. like shopping! :D just kidding I hate shopping really. I just like finding bargains but who doesn't?

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Pretty Sky Show

Gosh what a horribly humid day it has been today. Thank goodness the cool change has hit. If today was a taste of summer it can go away! I'm not looking forward to more of this kind of weather.
At least this cool change has brought some rain & a pretty sky show. Lightning can look awful pretty.

Its cool enough now to do some knitting. I'm making a Jack Frost doll. It's from one of Jean Greenhowe's books, Christmas Treasures. I've only completed the torso at the moment. Once I've done some more I'll take some photos to share.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remembrance Day

Australian War Memorial - Remembrance Day

In Flanders Fields

By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Lest We Forget

Thankful Thursday


Wow its hard to believe it's Thursday already (well, at least it is here in Australia)

I thankful ...
  • for the crisp, cool mornings we've had recently that warm up into beautiful sunny afternoons
  • that the boys have only had one 'hiccup' this week when getting ready for school
  • that I have found some bargains when shopping for Christmas & birthday presents earlier this week
  • that I am able to follow my passions
  • that even though I may have bad days with my psoriasis I am glad that my skin is no where as bad as it was 12 months ago
What are you thankful for this week?

30 Day Meme - A Recipe

Banana Muffins

2 cups plain flour
1 tbsn baking powder
2 tspn ground cinnamon (or mixed spice)
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 - 3 bananas mashed
1/2 cup margarine or butter melted & cooled
2 eggs
3/4 cup milk

Preheat oven to 180C

Grease a muffin pan (this mix makes 12 muffins) or line the pan with paper muffin cases.

Sift flour, baking powder and cinnamon together into a large bowl. Stir in brown sugar and bananas. Mix until well combined.

In a bowl or jug whisk the eggs, milk and butter until well combined.

Add the milk mixture to the flour mixture. Stir until just combined. Don't over stir or the muffins will have a tough texture once cooked.

Spoon the mixture evenly into the muffin pan.

Bake for approximately 20 minutes or until the muffins are golden and cooked through.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dear Mum

Dear Mum,
I wonder if you ever realised what a special person you were. I wonder if you knew that you would be missed so much. You were the glue that held the family together. We haven't been quite the same once you'd gone.

You would be so proud of the boys. They've changed so much over the last ten years. Gosh you might not even recognise them now. Brodie is becoming a man that I hope you would be pleased to know, although there are some things we still need to work on. You didn't know that he had Aspergers Syndrome but I don't think his having a label would've made any difference to you. You would've loved him just as much.
Angus has eyes just like yours and mine, Mum. They sparkle when he is up to mischief just like yours did. Gosh he was only in kindy when you left us. You would marvel at how much he has grown. I am sure you would like the teenager he's turned into. He can be so caring and sweet. Although I am sure that there would be times when you would tell both of the boys off for being such butt heads (and probably me as well).

I can't believe that today marks the 10th year since you passed away. There have been many times when I wished I could just pick up the phone to tell you something or even just to ask for your advice. I've had a tough few years when Brodie started High School and I needed you more than ever. I hope you're happy with how I handled things. I know there have been times when I am sure you would have just shook your head and told me how silly I was.

I often wonder if you would be proud of how we have grown over the years, of how we coped with the challenges that we have faced. Sometimes I felt that you were watching over us either wishing to scold us or joining in with out laughter.

I miss walking out of my home and walking up the street to your place. I miss our chats over cups of coffee. I miss playing card games or scrabble with you. But most of all I miss you. Perhaps one day, when the time is right, we'll be together again.

your baby girl

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Christmas Shopping

Have you done your Christmas shopping yet? Have you even started? I did some shopping yesterday and I didn't even have to leave home to do it. I LOVE the fact that I can go shopping any time I like online! And everything gets delivered to your door!

I bought a couple of items for the boys for Christmas on ebay. I think its great how you can get brand new items for a fraction of the price you would pay in retail stores. And with the Australian dollar above parity with the US dollar there are more bargains out there if you know where to look.

I think I might go 'shopping' again later ;)