
Thursday, November 25, 2010

One Month To Go

You may not want the reminder but its one month to go until Christmas.
Are you ready for the big day yet?
I still need to get a present for my Dad and post it. I also need to wrap the presents I already have. I'm getting there though.
At least I have all the food so wont have to put up with the crowds in the supermarkets.


Tina Gray said...

I'm usually more organised by now. I only just took the laybys out today. Haven't wrapped anything. Still need to get a couple of prepaid phone vouchers for the teenagers (closer to Christmas). Haven't even thought about food yet.

But having said that, I'm not stressing....yet.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Tina, you just reminded me that I need to get a prepaid voucher for Mr almost 14. Its his birthday next week.
The only reason I have the food is because I have my Chrisco hampers. I haven't opened one of the boxes with all the goodies in it. That way I will still have some nice goodies to celebrate with on the day :)
I hope you don't stress out later on.