
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thankful Thursday

 photo Summer-ThankfulThursday.jpg

Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • Surviving the school holidays! That's always a blessing in my book (~_~) Poor Angus thought he had one more day at home and that school went back tomorrow. The school had their dates mixed up and he had to go back today. Sorry kiddo!
  • nice weather ~ it's been a lovely mild week (oops I have probably jinxed myself now)
  • that my wrists are behaving. I have carpal tunnel in both wrists and last weekend my right wrist was awfully sore. After a bit of a rest and wearing a brace it's improved (for now)
  • my favourite TV shows coming back on now that the ratings season has returned 
  • My Kitchen Rules started back on the TV this week. I love that show. I even received a tweet from @ManuFeidel (He's one of the hosts. Manu is French and just gorgeous!) 
of course I thanked him for the hug, shame it was just a virtual one - sorry hon ♥♥

What are you thankful for this week?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Weather, From One Extreme To Another

Australia has had a whole bunch of seasons within a matter of days. While the weather is much cooler here in Victoria, where I live at least, there are still bushfires burning and not a lot of rain in the forecast. At the opposite end of the scale in Queensland and northern New South Wales they are facing what is left of T.C. Oswald and massive flooding. A lot of the areas affected today were also affected by flooding from T.C. Yasi back in 2011.

This morning I had been watching the news on TV. Schedule shows have been postponed to show live coverage from Queensland and what's going on around that state.

I managed to find some video on youtube that shows a little of what's going on up in Brisbane.

With all this rain, I know its probably not possible, but it would be nice if it made its way down the coast and in to Victoria so that it can put out the fires.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Crochet Video from the Crochet Geek

I found a great tutorial/video on youtube. It's by the Crochet Geek. She has made some amazing videos over the years. I have learned so much from her.

This video is called Extreme Crochet Drop Stitch. It's a long video so I understand if you don't watch it all but I do like the look of this stitch & it would make a great scarf or blanket.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

It's Australia Day!

 photo T2GoAustralian100Aussie-vi_zpsfb3ecc44.gif 

What's more Aussie than having a barbecue on Australia Day? And what's more Victorian than having one on Australia Day in the cold! I swear our weather truly doesn't know if it should be summer or winter right now.

Mark, Angus and I went to the Amateur Radio Club rooms for a barbecue lunch today. I had never been there before so I didn't know what to expect when we got there. The good thing about the people in amateur radio is that they love to talk so you never really get left out of a conversation.


Here's a new country song I discovered today. It doesn't sound very country music like to me but it is very Australian. Lee Kernaghan is singing about a Ute (a utility vehicle - I think the US sometimes refer to them as trucks). Aussies sure do love their utes!  

Friday, January 25, 2013

WIP - Crochet Baby Cardi

I finally managed to get some crocheting done tonight. It's getting there slowly but at least it's growing.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thankful Thursday

 photo Summer-ThankfulThursday.jpg

Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • Our CFA (Country Fire Authority) Volunteers. They have been doing such an amazing job this summer and they have sadly been kept very busy. The fire in Gippsland that has been going for more than a week has kept the CFA on their toes and has burnt over 65,000 hectares (over 160600 acres). 
  • cooler weather that we have been having in between the hot (fire danger) days
  • that new school year is slowly creeping closer. Roll on Feb 1st.
  • twitter and all the helpful info that is passed on my some really good tweeties! @Geehall1 @tyabblemons and @I_enigma are the best when it comes to getting updates in regards to the fires around Oz. 
What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

WIP - Baby Cardi/jacket

Slow & steady wins the race... I don't know about this being a winner but it is going slowly.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

What's On The Hook - Baby Items

Pattern JC17A 
I just started this new piece this afternoon. It's from one of three new patterns I bought from Heather at Just Crochet. I love her patterns they are so easy to follow. What's really good about Heather's patterns is that you can get them in either UK or US instructions.
.. anyway back to my crochet (~_~)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Painting My Nails

Sometimes I just have having psoriasis in my fingernails. Mainly because when my nails break I lose so much nail it isn't funny. That's what happened last night when I was trimming my nails. I like to keep them fairly short because of my psoriasis as they catch on things if I knock them and it really, really hurts.

This looks like it hurt but thankfully it didn't.
I was also hoping to give myself a manicure and try one of the new colours (painting my nails is a great way to hide the psoriasis) I bought myself the other day. Maybe I might end up doing them this afternoon if I manage to find some time. I can almost see my fingers in that fluoro pink (~_~) 

Nice and bright aren't they?!

Friday, January 18, 2013

7 Year Itch? Not Likely...

On Wednesday it was the 7th anniversary of when Mark and I first started dating. I suggested that we should go out and celebrate. Any excuse to go out for a feed right?? Also any excuse to get out of cooking! Plus I thought it was a good idea to have two anniversaries (~_o) 

We didn't end up going out on Wednesday like we initially planned. Mark wasn't feeling up to it so we went out for lunch yesterday at one of the local Chinese restaurants here in town. 
We chose the two person banquet. 

Prawn toast and spring rolls with a sweet chilli dipping sauce

Mongolian beef - the sauce was divine!

Fried rice

Prawns with vegetables
It was very filling. I didn't even want to eat dinner last night. Although I think it may have had something to do with the temperature still being around the 38C (100F) at 8 pm. Yuck! Far too hot to eat. 

That old saying about the 7 year itch thing I guess you can say that it doesn't really apply to us considering we only just got married last month.
Here's to many more happy years together!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thankful Thursday


Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • the cooler weather we've been having in between the very hot fire danger days is definitely a blessing
  • that our little corner of Australia hasn't suffered from any bushfires (so far) this summer. Sadly New South Wales has been pretty badly hit as has other parts of Victoria.
  • that we are getting closer to the start of school going back .. sorry boys, well I'm not really that sorry, I need the break from their fighting!
  • even though my boys drive me crazy at times I am thankful that they truly are good kids. They could be out roaming the streets, getting into fights or smoking and drinking like so many other kids do these days. 
What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What's For Brekky?

Yummy shallow fried* eggs, mushroom and tomato with wholegrain toast.
The best thing about this is that it doesn't send my glucose levels through the roof & that it fills me up for hours (~_~)
Now all I need to work out is what we are having for dinner/tea tonight ...

*shallow fried - I used a non stick fry-pan sprayed lightly with canola oil.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

You Might Be An Autism Parent If ...

There have been some really good tweets on twitter recently sent mostly by parents of children on the Autism Spectrum. I thought I would share some of them. Rather than type them all out I took some screen shots.

Some of them truly tugged at my heart strings.

If you'd like to see some more please click >>HERE<<<

Monday, January 14, 2013

It's All About The Location

It looks like I have left the boys behind ...

Our little family all have smart phones. In fact we all have android smart phones. We also have the same free app installed on them. The app is called Live 360. It's a family locator. Basically it uses your phones GPS and it updates where you are. You or your family members who have the app can check on google maps where you are. You can also request updates through the phone so that you can get a more accurate picture of where everyone is. There is also a feature that allows you to send out a distress alert. Which I think is pretty good.

Mark & I got the boys to install in on their phones before we went on out 'aborted' holiday last week. Mark used it quite a bit on our return journey to make sure that we were safe. The boys and I all had the settings on our phone set up for different intervals. Mine was set to send details every 30 minutes. the boys had their settings on a much longer interval.

I had to laugh when Mark shared this picture of our locations on facebook. I had threatened to leave the boys on the side of the road if they argued in the car. The picture makes it look like I had actually done that. Surprisingly enough the boys behaved in the car but they made up for it the next day. It's no wonder I always feel stressed during the summer holidays!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

What's On The Hook - Galaxy Tab TARDIS Cover

My latest creation. A cover for Brodie's Galaxy Tab.

It's funny how different photos can show two different shades of blue even though I took them both with the same device, my phone. I guess taking a photos at different times of the day really does make a difference. The next few photos show a more accurate colour. 

Don't mind the messy white parts that's part of the cover too.

Slowly getting there ...
I gave up trying to follow a pattern. I couldn't get my head around the one I had downloaded so I decided to  make it up as I went. The amount of times I had to pull this thing apart to fix things nearly did my head in! I kept losing stitches. In the end I pretty much had to count each stitch as I went. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Country Victoria

Here are some of the photos that Brodie took of our trip on Tuesday.
Sadly I can't remember all the names of the places we were when Brodie took his photos.

Long dry grass. Most of the countryside looks like this.

Some pretty gum trees.

Somewhere between Horsham and Ararat. 

This is the town of Beaufort. It looks very pretty in the main street

Still in Beaufort. On our return journey.

Heading towards the city from Bacchus Marsh

Heading east towards the Westgate Bridge.

Friday, January 11, 2013

♫♪ We're Having A Heatwave, A Tropical Heatwave ♫♪

BOM new style of map showing possible temperatures for the day
The Bureau of Meteorology has a new style of map that shows us how hot it will be during the day. This coming weekend there are parts of Australia where the temperature may reach 48 - 50C (118 - 122F)
I don't even want to think about how hot that truly is. 

Where I live isn't suffering from a heatwave most of the country is. We are fortunate enough that things have been cooling down in between those super hot fire danger days.
If it is cold in your part of the world please think of us here in Australia and please pray that there are no new bushfires starting up and that the ones already going will be contained and extinguished.

I tried to share an animated gif but it wasn't playing nice :( 
If you would like to see how hot it will be for us over the next few days go HERE to the ABC's website. They have an animated gif you can watch.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thankful Thursday


Here's what I am thankful for this week & boy do I have a lot to be thankful for this time:
  • travelling home safely after our 'adventure' on Tuesday
  • having credit on my mobile phone
  • that Mark was able to help us with the car from 400 kms (248 miles) away
  • that Mark will be able to sort Emmy out and fix her or get her to a place where she can be 'dealt' with
  • for Brodie trying to cheer me up on Tuesday when I was feeling miserable
  • that my family in Adelaide were so understanding about our predicament with the car and being unable to visit them
  • my crochet - it helps me to unwind not that I could crochet in the car because I was driving but hey I needed to mention that it is therapeutic (o_~)
  • snuggles with the kitty cats, they missed me (well I believe they did) and I got smooches from them both
  • for being able to update family & friends via twitter and facebook about our travels
  • that the smoke from the fire near Ballarat wasn't too thick as it wafted over the Western Highway but it was very eerie driving through it. Sadly there were 8 homes lost from that fire :'( 
  • that the fire wasn't closer to the highway and that the highway didn't need to be closed
  • cool changes 
  • air-conditioning that works in the car (always a bonus)
  • not needing to pay for a second day pass for CityLink (its a toll way in Melbourne) 
  • not having extra washing to do when I got home after my little 'holiday' after all we were only gone for 12 hours and 40 minutes.

What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Our (Mis)Adventure

Yesterday morning the boys and I left for our trip to Adelaide. The plan was to try and get into Adelaide and through the Adelaide hills before dark so that I didn't have to drive at night (something I really dislike doing).
All was going well and good. We stopped near Ballarat (approximately 2.5 hours from home) for a toilet break and to get some fuel. We also stopped for a quick toilet break in Ararat. The next stop was planned for Horsham (the half way point between our home and Adelaide) so that we could have lunch. 

Oh we stopped there alright. In fact Emmy began chugging about 15 kilometres (around 9 miles) out of Horsham and she scared the pants off me when she was doing that. We made it into town and I had just turned the corner at a set of traffic lights when she stalled. Uh oh, not good. I start her up again and think on lets find a petrol station. I was begging the car to not stall again so that we can make it 100 metres down the road. We pull into the service station and she stalls again. Crap. I start her again and make it a few more metres to a car park at the petrol station and turn her off. 

The next thing we do is phone Mark. HELP! Not that he can do much considering we just travelled 4.5 hours & we were 400 kms [248 miles] from home. We open the bonnet as directed and Brodie notices that the gas converter (LPG converter) has frozen. Mark tells us to wait a good 20 minutes or so for it to defrost. He suggests we go somewhere that's shaded (it was quite hot in the sun) so we can cool off. Plus the boys were hungry so we used that 'defrosting' time to have lunch. I can tell you I was no longer hungry after the stress of this but I forced myself to eat something any way. 

Rather than risk driving all the way to Adelaide with a car that was now misbehaving mark said turn around and come home. You have no idea how relieved I felt when he said that. So before we took off to find a park Brodie and I phoned Dad and Julie to let them know about our car troubles and that we were turning home. I did spend a little bit of time having a cry. Mainly because I was letting family down for not being able to come over and help out with Dad but also because I was stressing over how on earth will we get home safely AND how on earth will we make it through the city, especially through citylink and the domain tunnel, without stalling.

After lunch and after making sure the car has cooled, Mark instructed us over the phone how to safely open the radiator cap without getting splashed with boiling hot water. We had hardly used any water. That was a good thing. While we were still in Horsham we found a SupaCheap store (they sell stuff for cars) and purchased a very large 20 litre [5.28 gallons] water container just in case. The guy that served us was also kind enough to fill it with water for us. I was so grateful for that. 

Once we were on our way home we stopped every hour or so to check the gas converter to make sure that it hadn't frozen. We also checked the radiator again to make sure there was plenty of water in it.
It had taken is 4.5 hours to get to Horsham in the first place and it took us a little over 6.5 hours to get home. Boy was I so relieved to see Mark in the carport when we got home. 

Even though the trip back home was a long one it was pretty uneventful. Apart from that stretch on the Western Highway near Ballarat where we have to drive through some pretty thick smoke. That was kind of eerie. Taking it easy on the road returning home made all the difference. Well that's my thinking anyway.

I do have some photos of our travels that Brodie has taken. I'll share them with soon I promise.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Summer Heat

Summer is well and truly here. The mercury has told us so. With temperatures topping 41C yesterday (that's around 105F in the old scale) and a minor cool change arriving in the early hours of the morning providing some relief but there is more heat on the way. Along with the heat comes the risk of bushfires. Sadly that has happened in quite a few places over the past couple of days.

A eucalptus tree ignites near Dunalley, Tasmania. PIC:: Richard Jupe (courtesy of
Fires are being fought across several hot spots in Tasmania. Lots of homes have been lost. It's devastating and it brings back vivid memories of Black Saturday (Feb 7 2009). It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

My heart goes out to those affected by the fires across Tassie and those in Victoria. There's a total fire-ban in New South Wales tomorrow and no doubt across South Australia too (they've already had several extremely hot fire danger days and more are expected next week). I'm crossing my fingers, sending good thoughts and saying prayers that the fires will be under control soon and that no more occur. I'm not sure if it will work but it doesn't hurt, right?

It makes me wonder if it is a wise decision to drive across to Adelaide next week. I can't change the dates for our trip away not if I want to take the boys with me. We need to be back for medical appointments towards the end of January and preparing for the beginning of the new school year. I'll be hoping and praying that the roads are clear and that there are no fires when we travel. It also makes me wish even more that Mark could go with us. I would feel much happier and safer if he did.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Thankful Thursday


Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • air-conditioning ~ it's pretty hot here today and it will be tomorrow as well :-/ I don't particularly like summer
  • my hairdresser, Sarah, she did a great job cutting my hair this afternoon. I am also thankful that she said my hair is very healthy (~_~)
  • crocheting ~ it keeps me busy but only once I have worked out what I will be making. Choosing a design/project can take forever
  • Mark and his ability to be able to work on the car. He helps set my mind at ease when Emmi (my car) doesn't always behave
What are you thankful for this week? 

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year

Last nights fireworks show in Melbourne. Photo from
We weren't out partying last night but the boys and I did stay up to see in the new year. Mark on the other hand went to bed at around 5 minutes to midnight. Although he was awake very early Monday morning. I was surprised he lasted as long as he did. Any way .. from my home to yours ...

Happy New Year! 
May 2013 be a happy and prosperous year!