
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My New Knitting Project

Can you guess what I finally decided to start making?
If you guessed something to do with Christmas you'd be right.
It's the Father Christmas toy from my Jean Greenhowe book.

A Riddle

A conversation in the car this morning on the way to school .. .. .. inspired by the lame jokes being told on the morning radio show

Angus: Mum, Do you want to hear a dirty Joke?

Me: Okay

Angus: A boy fell in some mud. Do you want to hear a clean joke?


Angus: He had a bath. Do you want to hear another dirty joke?

Me: Sure

Angus: He fell in the mud again

Monday, August 30, 2010

A New Carer For Brodie

Brodie met his new respite carer today from the Shire (Local Council) today. Its a BIG change from Adam. We ALL loved Adam. He was cool and young and super-friendly and 'with it'. He was just AWESOME ADAM! But sadly Adam was moving out of the area up to the Murray River somewhere. I know we will all miss him. The boys adored him.

Today we met Steve. Brodie was looking at me with pleading eyes. I could see what he was thinking. I could see that he wanted to do anything but meet this man. He had those eyes that said Mum let me off the hook. Let me OUT of here! PLEASE!

Of course I encouraged Brodie to go do something with his new carer. To go for a walk or to the shops, something to spend some time together. You wont know if you like him or not if you stay here! Steve suggested going to the local milk-bar/pizzeria for a milkshake. I thought it was a good idea. At least this way its informal and they can get to know one another.

They weren't gone all that long, half an hour at the most. Brodie rushed inside very quickly and said "Mum I've asked Steve if he can get Robert to come on Monday's".
Okay. You've had Robert before. You liked Robert. It might not be a bad thing ... however ... he may NOT be available! I don't think he has thought of that. I'll have to prepare him just in case Robert can't come.

Someone from the Shire is due to phone me tomorrow to see how tonight went. I'll let them now how Brodie felt & how he would like Robert if he was available. Even if we had to change nights I don't think Brodie would mind. Not if it mean he could have a carer of HIS choosing & one that he likes.

We'll see what happens.

Would You Believe ..

Would you believe that I have both boys home from school today?

Poor Angus has a migraine. I've never had one myself but I see how badly he suffers from them. He is extremely light sensitive at the moment & us currently asleep.

Brodie has more tummy troubles. He gets them way too frequently but absolutely refuses to take something like mylanta to help settle his stomach. He has them so often that its time to get them investigated!! Brodie was also complaining that he is feeling tired. Serves him right in some ways. He's up at 6am every day and on his laptop by 6:30am. If its a school day he gets straight back on his laptop once he comes home & is on it until 10:30pm. He even gets stroppy sometimes when he has to 'get off' the laptop for his dinner! I know that the psychologist said that he needs time to unwind & that may mean hours on the laptop or play station but I don't think he meant this much time!
Anyway he too is asleep right now.

I've been trying to phone the doctors surgery on & off for the past 90 minutes. Each time I phone the number is engaged. I guess I wont be getting Brodie an appointment any time soon. At this rate they will be totally booked until tomorrow!

I'm crossing my fingers that when the boys finally wake up they are feeling much better!

Very Special Kids

One of the ladies from Knit4Charities posted a couple of links for a group called Very Special Kids (VSK) and also about a respite facility called Annie's Cottage, which I sadly cannot find a web address for them. Here's a link to a newsletter (PDF file) with info about Annie's Cottage (see Pg 4)

VSK is based in Victoria and provides counselling & support to families of children diagnosed with life threatening illnesses. Their services include respite, bereavement support & hospice care.

While checking out their site today it makes me feel very grateful that my boys are healthy & happy. If you get the chance to check out their website please do.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Latest Teddy

Here's a couple of photos of my latest Teddy. I think I'll just put it aside in my stash of finished projects for the Knit4Charities group. Sooner or later there will be a need for toys somewhere.

I've been meaning to make the Father Christmas toy up from the Jean Greenhowe book I bought but I just haven't gotten around to it. To be honest I would rather crochet at the moment then knit but since I can't follow crochet patterns too well at the moment I haven't really made a start on anything. Which in itself is unusual for me as I am usually making something.

Maybe I'll be inspired to begin a new project soon. I just don't like sitting about not doing something with my hands.

Speaking of the Jean Greenhowe book. Angus & I went shopping yesterday. We went to Spotlight, they had a half price sale on yarn. I snagged a few bargains & of course we had to do the cheek test to see how soft the yarn felt. While we were there I saw a whole series of Jeans books. I had to compare the price they were selling them for with what I paid on ebay. Considering I bought my book from England and I waited a week for it to arrive it was still so much cheaper than what Spotlight was selling it for. Maybe I need to wait for Spotlight another 20% off sale and buy them then. Something to think about at least.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Your Awww For The Day

This is just so adorable! I love cute puppies!!

Old Family Photos

This is my Mum & Dad.
The photo was taken in the 1950's or 1960's when they were out for tea one night.

This handsome gentleman was my Grandpop, William Henry (Dad's Dad). He worked in the railways.

One of my brothers & two of my sisters. Vicki, Mark & Julie. Taken around 1963/64.

My Nanna (Dad's Mum) Loretta Maude.

My Nanna, Edna May (Mum's Mum)

Uncle Johnny, Mum's brother.

This is my Grandpa, Charles. (Mum's Dad)

The K Factor

I got the link for this in am email from my Knit4Charities group. I just had to share it.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Art of Crochet

Mark saw a commercial on TV about the Art of Crochet. Its a series of issues with tips & tricks on how to crochet. He said I should get it. How cool is that? He is enabling me and my obsession with knitting & crocheting!

Hopefully this will help me learn how to read patterns properly and maybe I'll be able to make things other than granny squares & beanies.

Angus was a real cutie & went into the newsagent for me this morning & picked up the first issue. I'll definitely be checking it out later.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

3's About Me

3s about me came in an email from my friend Julz. I just thought I would share it

Three jobs I have had in my life: Teacher, Taxi Driver, Potato Picker

Three places I have lived: Elizabeth, Whyalla, Darwin

Three places I have been: Yuma AZ, Lake Cowichan BC, Victoria BC

Three people who e-mail me regularly: Julz, One of Brodie's Teachers & Angus's School

Three favourite foods: Chocolate, Cheesecake, Corn

Three Places I'd rather Be: Hawaii, Gippsland (oops I'm there already) & Oklahoma!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

North And South

My North & South DVD's arrived on Monday. You gotta love ebay & my postie for bringing them to me!

This was the first thing I ever say Patrick Swayze in. He was just so good looking in his uniform playing Orry Main! I was smitten! If he could've ridden up on his horse to take me away to his cotton plantation I would gladly have gone with him. Of course that was never going to happen but a girl could dream.
It certainly was the beginning of my watching every single movie he was ever in.

I have watched a little bit of the DVD's so far. I'm about 3.5 - 4 hours in. I only have around 17-18 hours to go! But seeing that its Patrick I'll just have to suffer through it all *sigh*

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Holiday Memories

Thanks to Kate over at Picklebums for this topic. I hope she doesn't mind that I borrowed the idea.

I agree with Kate that holiday memories as a kid get jumbled up & that sometimes you just don't remember all of the details either.

I remember one year when Mum was on holiday in Fiji with her bestie. Dad, my brother Mark & I went camping along the Murray River in Morgan. We slept in a tent & ate cold baked beans straight out of the tin for breakfast!

I also remember another time Mum was on an overseas holiday with her bestie that Dad, my brother & I went to Streaky Bay to see my sister. It was around the time that the movie Blue Fin was being made. Julie was working at the hospital in Streaky. We had our dog, Kym, with us. She was an adorable Alsatian. I love her to bits!

I also remember another time that Mum, Dad, Mark & I went to Geelong to visit Uncle Johnny & Auntie Maria. I also remember swimming at the beach & something about shark nets.

I also remember during that same Geelong holiday I had to bathe in the laundry sink because there was no bath tub & I didn't quite get the hang of showers back then. So Mum washed me in the sink.

I remember visiting Julie & her hubby Ken when they used to live in Cummins. Its somewhere near Port Lincoln.

I remember visiting Port Lincoln but I don't recall what we did there. Only the fact that we drove there to do some shopping.

I remember driving to Whyalla to visit Auntie Ce & Uncle Ivor when we were on our way to Cummins. I remember on that same trip we dropped off our cousin Janine. She was staying wit out Auntie & Uncle for a while. I don't remember if we picked her up on our way home.

I remember one time we went to Port Elliot, near Victor Harbour. I remember Mum & Dad rented a little place for us to stay in. I also remember walks along the beach & by the waters edge. I also remember Mum & Dad saying don't get wet but I did any way.

I remember going for a walk on the jetty in Victor Harbour. I recall something about a train that travelled over to some little island. I also recall looking out towards some rocks in the harbour somewhere.

I remember staying somewhere near the Coorong with another of Mum & Dad's friends and their family. I remember staying in this shack. Although I don't remember anything else except the fact that there was a lot of sand.

I also remember staying in our neighbours shack in Moonta. And I remember Mum eating periwinkles. They looked too much like garden snails to me.

I am sure that we went on many other holidays. I just don't remember them all. Some of them I don't even recall how old I was when we went on them. I guess it doesn't matter really. The fact that I remember them all and think of them fondly is all that counts.

Monday, August 23, 2010

What Happened In My Birth Year?

I was sent this from a friend in an email this morning.

What happened in my birth year?

It really is different to other sites that list what songs, movies, etc that were popular. If you get time check it out.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Got this joke in an email today & just had to share it.

Got my son an iPhone for his birthday. Earlier this year I bought my daughter an iPod for hers. I was dead chuffed when the family bought me an iPad for Father's day..

I bought my wife an iRon for her birthday. It was around then that the fight started ...

Melting Moments (And I don't mean the biscuits)

Angus & I went to Church this morning leaving Brodie at home because he was feeling nauseous (he's been feeling like that a lot lately but I don't think anything is wrong with him its probably just nerves or something). While Brodie was home he was meant to do his Music assignment from school. I'm glad to say that he did work on it. I haven't checked out how much he has done yet.

We left Church earlier than usual. I would have loved to have stayed because its soup Sunday. The name speaks for itself really. Some of the Sisters make a soup to share on the third Sunday of the month. Sad to say we had to leave early because I had forgotten to put the corned beef into the slow cooker so that it would be ready in time for tea & I had forgotten my mobile phone so I was unable to ask Mark or Brodie to get it ready. I do love my 'different corned beef' dish. Its so yummy!

Once at home I got the silverside prepared & asked the boys to do a couple of little jobs. Angus was taking out some boxes to the bin. Brodie began barking orders about how the boxes needed to be broken up to fit into the bin. I said that they didn't need to be. That was NOT good enough for Brodie however. He decided to smack Angus in the back of the head then proceeded to tell me that he didn't know why he had done it. Of course I knew the reason. I had observed the whole thing.

I don't know what happened after that. I mean I don't know why things escalated to where they did. Mark had come inside to find out what was going on & I explained what had transpired. Brodie was getting really defensive (as he does when he gets caught out). He spoke louder & louder as if he thought that would get his point across. He started threatening Mark with physical violence. Brodie challenges Mark a lot. It's like he wants to be boss cocky ALL the time! Both Mark & I tried to get him to go for a walk so that he could calm down.

I swear it was almost like seeing him change. He seemed to go into little kid mode. Only thing was he isn't a little kid & he was still LOUD and very angry. Brodie said 'where do I go? I have nowhere to go' All we had said was put your shoes on and go for a walk. 'Where?' he screams. Just around town I said. I just wanted him out of the house so that he could calm down.
He finally went.

Poor Angus you could see the hurt on his face. I think I heard him say during all of this, "not again". He apologised for the meltdown. It's wasn't his fault. Both Mark & I told him that he didn't start it.

I know that these meltdowns don't happen all the time but when they happen they REALLY happen. I am tired of Brodie's threats of violence. He said he was going to smash things & that he wanted to smash Mark's head through the glass door. There are days where I just wish this would all just disappear & never happen again. I know that will never happen but one day they might be a lot 'calmer' than other meltdowns.

Right now Brodie is back in his bedroom. He's probably on his laptop. I just hope that when he eventually emerges from his room he is in a much better frame of mind.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Busy Day So Far

I thought the weekend meant time to yourself & relaxing a bit. I've not really stopped at all. Well not really. At least the cats have managed to find a spot on the bed to snooze the day away!

I took Brodie out with me this morning. We went out of town to a primary school to vote for the Federal Election. There was NO way I was going to the local polling booth. Not with the footy on in town, the market & the election. It would be way to busy & nowhere to get a park.Anyway that's over and done with. Thank goodness. Now all we have to do is wait & see who wins.

We came back into town, a short 5 minute drive, so that we could fill up the gas tank. Then we went to the local Market. Its only held on the 3rd Saturday each month. I love getting the fresh produce that some of the stalls offer. I picked up a few bargains. Fresh cauliflower, pumpkin, brussel sprouts, cabbage. We're going have some yummy fresh veggies for tea tonight!

I thought okay, while I'm out I may as well nick into the supermarket & get some bread for Angus. He doesn't like the wholemeal & multigrain breads I've been buying recently. The only other thing we really needed was milk. Pffttt! 4 shopping bags & $50 later we headed home. So much for only getting TWO things that I needed. Perhaps nest time I'll just send one of the boys to get it.

Of course the shopping doesn't put itself away. Although it would be really nice if it did.(Maybe someone will invent a machine that will do that for me). I've managed to get two loads of washing done & hung out. I've also folded & put away some washing that I did the other day. You know the only problem with winter is that it takes things far too long to dry on the clothes line & I don't like using the dryer too much.

I think I deserve some time to sit on my butt & so something for ME! I'm not sure what it will be. Maybe a movie & some knitting or even just watching some of the shows I've recorded on the PVR. I need a rest!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Victorian Carer Card

I received my Carer Card the other day. It's part of a Victorian Government Carer Card Program. The program is for Victorian residents who are unpaid carers of someone with a disability, severe medical condition or a mental illness, or who is frail aged or in need of palliative care.
Other people qualify too but you will need to check out the website for that info.

You can either apply online, print the application form & post it or just request them to post the form out to you.

There are a whole heap of services available that will provide discounts for those who have a Carer Card. Different businesses offer discounts for a variety of services. For example: 10% off prepaid phone recharge, 10% off at the optometrist, 10% off car batteries, etc. The links for them is on the main page. With plenty of drop down menus for you to check out.

Now, not all businesses will offer these discounts but it certainly never hurts to ask them if they do. The worst they can say is No. Plus if they've not heard of this scheme you can tell them about it and perhaps they might just become one of the businesses already participating.

When you apply for the card there is also an option for you to apply for the Sunday Pass. Its where you can get free travel on Sundays on trains (buses too I think but don't quote me on that). If you apply for that you may also receive Carer/Pensioner Off-Peak free travel vouchers. You get two of those and a letter explaining how to use them as either a day ticket, single tickets or a concession daily metcard.

Anyway, as my Mum always said "Every little bit helps". So if it helps us Carers then its ALL good in my book!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Work Placement

As part of the his TAFE course requirements Brodie has to do 6 days of work placement over the next couple of months. He has been fortunate enough to be able to work in a town close by our own in a cafe/pizza place at Boss Hoggs Pizza, well at Mazza's coffee shop which is the same business really.

I was surprised that they have a website for their small business. Not that is a bad thing I think all businesses should have their own websites!

Anyway, Brodie is working their today. I hope that he enjoys himself & is able to show off his talents!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We've been growing mushrooms under the laundry sink. Its cold & dark there. We've harvested a few mushrooms. Sometimes I think its awful slow growing but at least we've been able to have super fresh mushrooms! Not that it makes Angus very happy. He would rather we didn't have ANY of them in the house. Add them to the list of foods he hates - corn, peas, beans, tomatoes & mushrooms!! Silly kid he doesn't know what deliciousness he is missing out on!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sore & Sorry Kid

Brodie went to Mt. Baw Baw on Saturday & had an absolute whale of a time in the snow! He even saw some people from Church there & Adam who is his respite carer on Mondays after school.

Brodie has now found muscles that he didn't know he had. It seems that he over did the running & playing while he was at Baw Baw that he was awfully sore when he got home. The sad thing is that on Sunday he did absolutely NOTHING and stayed in his room on his laptop like he usually does. He hardly moved ALL day!!
Now he is paying the price for it. His body is all stiff and he has trouble moving.
I had asked him to move about stating that if he remains still his muscles will stiffen up. That he needs to motivate himself and work the kinks and stiffness out. But NOOOO!! he wouldn't listen.

I sent him to school this morning know that he would HAVE to move about. That moving would be the best thing for him at this stage. The teachers there had other ideas stating that it would be best if he was home since he was so sore. I had to drive the 20 km trip up the mountain to his school to collect him. I am a bit pissed off because I KNOW that Brodie will not want to move about much. He did however admit to me that his walking about a bit while at school had helped him a little. So maybe, just maybe he might move about more at home. I most certainly don't wish for him to be at home again tomorrow. He's a senior now and he cannot afford to miss too much school work!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our Veggie Garden

It doesn't look like much at the moment but that's because we've only just replanted our veggie garden. I can't even remember the types of the seedlings we planted. At least not all of them. I do know that we have cabbage, cauliflower, spring onions, silverbeet and lettuce. Other than that I have no clue what else we've planted. I know I have a blonde brain or I'm having yet another brain fart! At least we have veggies in our garden & its mulched with pea straw.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Storage Corner?

This is meant to be my corner of the lounge/dining/computer area where I can place my boxes with my wool stash. As you can see its not really MY corner .. not with the box of computer bits by the desk, the tool box with all of Brodie's knives, the fan, computer towers (which aren't even ours)
Oh well ...

Listen Up Boys

I don't want to sound like I am nagging but I have a few pet peeves that truly annoy me! Its just little things that the kids do and really piss me off when they happen so frequently! Don't get me wrong I love my kids but they need to help out too! I'm not a super-mum!!

  • Not drying the dishes straight away. If I have to wash the bloody things then you HAVE to dry them when I tell you to. Not 24 hours later when they have 'dried' on their own! When I was a kid and Mum washed the dishes we copped it if we didn't rush in behind her with a tea-towel and start drying immediately! None of this wait until they air dry then put them away! Darned slackers!!
  • Leaving clothes on the floor in your bedroom! How bloody hard is it to grab a coat hanger & hang up your clothes? How hard is it to open a drawer and put away the clothes that I spent time washing & folding? I don't clean your clothes to only have you dump them on the floor because you are too fricken lazy to open the chest of drawers and put them away!
  • Leaving dirty clothes on the floor in your bedroom. For crying out loud I leave the dirty clothes basket right outside your bedroom door. Sometimes you even trip over it to get into your room. Give me a break & put your dirty clothing in it so it can get washed & so I don't have to hear you complain that you can't find any clean socks, underwear, school uniform or anything else that you wish to wear!
  • Let me know when we are running out of different foods. I can't buy stuff to replace it if I don't know that you have USED it ALL up! You boys know how to write, start a fricken shopping list!!!
  • Stop fighting with one another! Or you may find that the things you like the most will no longer be there for your use ie: the wireless internet you boys think is your right. I hate to tell you but it is a privilege you MUST earn! Or better yet .. you fight & I'll make you do the cleaning around here. I can't just imagine you two and your faces when I tell you that you have to scrub the toilet because you are arguing again!
I probably have more that I could list here but I might save them for another day!!

Do you have anything that annoys you?


A joke I received in an email .. I can make fun about Elizabeth because that's where I was born & its where I grew up! And I don't miss that place one bit!


A major hurricane (Hurricane Shazza) and an earthquake measuring 5.8 on the Richter scale hit Elizabeth West in the early hours of Thursday

05 August 2010 - with its epicentre in Johnstone Street, Elizabeth .

Victims were seen wandering around aimlessly, muttering "Faaackinell".

The hurricane decimated the area causing approximately $30.00 worth of damage.

Three areas of historic burnt out cars were disturbed. Many locals were woken well before their centrelink cheques arrived.

The Rescue Leader reported that hundreds of residents were confused and bewildered and were still trying to come to terms with the fact that something interesting had happened in the northern suburbs .

One resident - Tracy Sharon Smith, a 15-year-old mother of 3 said "It was such a shock, my little Chardonnay-Mercedes came running into my bedroom crying. My youngest two, Kev and Jason slept through it all."

Apparently looting, muggings and car crime were unaffected and carried on as normal.

The Australian Red Cross has so far managed to ship 4,000 crates of UDL's to the area to help the stricken locals. Rescue workers are still searching through the rubble and have found large quantities of personal belongings, including Health Care Cards, jewellery from Kleins and Bone China from Big W.


This appeal is to raise money for food and clothing parcels for those unfortunate enough to be caught up in this disaster. Clothing is most sought after - items most needed include: baseball caps, tracksuits, singlets (blue & white), white sport socks, Reebok boots. Any other items usually sold in Priceline or The Reject Shop. Food parcels may be harder to come by, but are needed all the same.

Required foodstuffs urgently needed include:

Microwave meals, baked beans, Ice cream, Chips, Fizzy drinks.


$15.00 will be taken to buy a packet of winny blue 25s and a lighter to calm the nerves of those worst affected.

**Breaking news**

Neighbouring Salisbury Uniting Church has cancelled their local "Nativity Display" due to their inability to find three wise men or a virgin.

Please don't forward this to anyone living in Elizabeth or Salisbury!

.... Oh, stuff it, they won't be able to read it, anyway!

Faaackinell haha

Friday, August 13, 2010

A List (meme)

Current Australian No.1 song - Love the way you lie Feat. Rihanna - Eminem

My favourite Top 40 Song - Billionaire Feat. Bruno Mars - Travie McCoy

My favourite T.V. shows - Being Human, CSI Miami, Medium, The Supersizers Go ..., Hearbeat, Trauma, Mythbusters, NCIS, Packed to the Rafters, Parenthood, RPA, Dirty Jobs, Kingdom

Current book I am reading - The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe (Sequel to Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy)

Movies I would like to see - Tomorrow, When the War began (sounds awfully like Red Dawn but I like that movie cos Patrick Swayze is in it)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sad News

I feel a little bit dazed at the moment. I just heard from my niece Heidi. She just wanted to let me know that the boys Uncle Dave has passed away. Heidi thought I would like to know. You know its funny but I was only thinking about the boys father, Vic, & his brothers earlier today. I don't know why I was thinking of them but I was.

I hadn't really seen all of that side of family since Vic's Dad passed away in December 1998 & considering Vic & I split up in 2000 I had no need to see them. Its still a bit of a shock to find out though. I feel bad for Vic. It must've been hard for him to be the one to find Dave. I know how hard it was (and is) for Mark when he found our neighbour Mick.
To be honest we all thought that Dave would be the first to go (but he wasn't Tom was). He drank alcohol like there was no tomorrow and I guess it finally caught up with him.

Heidi said she was going to give Vic our phone numbers again. Apparently he's lost them. No surprises there. If he phones I'll talk with him but I don't know if the boys will. Brodie is still pretty angry at him. I'm not too sure about Angus though.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Knitting Book Arrived!

My Jean Greenhowe's Christmas Special Knitting Book has arrived! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos of all the toys inside. The only problem I have is I don't have any RED wool so that I can make the superb Father Christmas in the book! Just the excuse I need to go shopping! Woohoo!!

Now do I finish making that blanket I started or rush out to buy some red wool ...

Monday, August 09, 2010

He Scrubs Up Nicely!

Doesn't Brodie scrub up really nicely? I think he looks fantastic in a suit!

It's a shame that this photo is blurred but I took it with my phone. At least I have proof now that Brodie actually helps out in the kitchen. It wasn't our kitchen though but at least he was helping out in one. We were at his "Ma & Pa's" place (they are his parent's from the Trek he went on a couple of years ago). We went to visit them in their Ward yesterday. Their son has only recently come back from his mission & we were at their place after Church to help celebrate.

Australian Animals

Golly gosh! Its no wonder there are so many misinformed people out there who have no clue about Australian animals & our country. International media (and Aussie media) has probably fuelled this misinformation.

I was reading a blog post this morning and the author (well their friend) was describing what a sugar glider was as they have a couple as pets (I didn't know you could get them as pets overseas). She said they live in the jungle. Its news to me as I didn't think we had jungles here in Australia. I know we have the bush & rainforests but no jungles.

Okay I can let that slip I guess but how about this one .. we have koala bears! NO we don't! Koala's are NOT bears in any way shape or form! They are Koalas!

Okay, with that said I feel better now.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Op Shopping

Mark & I did the rounds of the Op Shops in town today. I love looking around & finding stuff that's old or just getting a bargain. We found a few bargains today.

I found a stack of knitting/crochet cotton & was going to only get one or two of the balls. Mark said at that price you may as well get ALL of them. So I walked away with 4 unopened packets! I love it when he enables me & my hobbies! Just like the time when we were in Spotlight & there was this nice Christmas fabric on sale for $1 per metre so he said buy 10 metres! You gotta LOVE that! Not many people can say their other half encourages them to increase their craft stash!

The bargain of today has to be the guitar case! Brodie will LOVE it (unless we give it to Angus). Not all of the clasps close but that's not a major problem. I am sure that Mark will come up with something to fix it (or even replace them). I know that hard covered guitar cases aren't cheap so this was something we could not pass up at only $10.

It doesn't look too bad does it?

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Suicide & that Wicked Witch

I can hardly believe that I was ever related to this stupid woman! Her selfish act has not only robbed my nephews (related via marriage only) of their father but my beautiful niece is in foster care too. The article doesn't mention my niece because Rob wasn't her father. She is my brothers little girl. No one in our family has seen her since she was a toddler or even knows exactly where she is.

My brother died back in January of 2002. Sadly he took his own life. He too was a victim of that selfish witch! She and her oldest daughter accused my brother of incest. Dad swears my brother is innocent but I am not so sure. I wont go into my reasons but regardless of what I thought of the situation my brother was beyond despair. He had lost his friends, they all deserted him. He felt that there was no hope and no way out of the pit he was in. He gassed himself in his car at his workplace (a market garden in Virginia).

I know my brother was no angel. There were times I was terrified of him but he was still my brother. He deserved better than he got. If I had known how badly he was hurting I would've tried to do something to help.

If anyone is feeling depressed & thinks there is no way out please talk to someone. Whether its a friend, family, your doctor or even lifeline. There is always someone around to listen.
Beyond Blue
Lifeline 13 11 14

Facet Joint Injections

I took Mark to Dandenong to get his Facet Joint Injections* today. I feel so sorry for him that he has to get steroid injections in his spine. Well maybe sorry isn't the right word. Its more like I am glad it's him and not me but I am sorry that he needs to have them to get pain relief. I'm crossing my fingers that these injections work better than the last ones. Considering the out of pocket payment I had to make today they better!! Gosh that makes me sound like a money pinching Scrooge. I'm not one really, honest!

I took my crochet to help me pass the time. I'm trying something different this time round. I'm not sure that I like it so far. Maybe I'll take some photos later and share what I've done.

When we were driving home Mark suggested that we go to Food Star for lunch. It's an all you can eat place. It's not bad there but I must admit that I have eaten better food. But for less than $16 each what do you really expect? I am sure that the boys would've loved it there. They would definitely make sure that they got their monies worth! However since they weren't I consider this as a kind of a date.

I cannot believe that I actually drove past Spotlight today and didn't go in! Gee Whiz I must have better will power than I thought I did! I so wanted to go in there. Maybe next time I will.

*if you click on the link you can find out what a facet joint injections is but the info I found is not from the place we went to

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Missionary Meal

The missionaries were meant to come over for dinner tonight. I made my ravioli bake & vamped it up a little with making a proper spaghetti sauce with mince beef in it. I got a phone call about 30 minutes ago from them stating that they were in Melbourne right now doing some training and that they are unable to come over.

That's twice in a row that they never turned up. At least this time they phoned me to let us know they wont be here. Last time there was nothing & we waited and extra hour before we sat down to eat.

They say third time lucky but I honestly don't think there will be a third time at this rate. I don't want to be disappointed again.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

New Neighbours

We have some new neighbours moving in. Good thing I knew they were coming this week as I was able to 'warn' Brodie of the changes. I also told him that they have at least one small child & that he had to watch his potty mouth language.

I know Aspies aren't always good with change but at least Brodie seems to be coping than he was. Maybe its a maturity thing or maybe he's just learnt strategies that help him cope better. I'd like to think that its a bit of both. We've put in a lot of wok with him over the years to get him where he is now.

Monday, August 02, 2010

I'm A Sucker For Books on ebay!

I've gone & done it again. I'm a sucker for books on ebay! Not just an ordinary book but a lovely Knitting pattern book with Christmas softies to make! Its Jean Greenhowe's Christmas Special. The toys look so adorable!

And staying on the 'theme' of ebay another book I bought just arrived today. Asperger Syndrome - A Love Story. Being the Mum of an Aspie this should be an interesting read. I'm going to 'try' and get Brodie to read this too. He might find it interesting.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

August Already?

Wow where has the year gone? I cannot believe that it is August already.

I also cannot believe that I have finally managed to finish reading that book I started at the end of last year, Executive Orders by Tom Clancy. I never thought that I would ever make it to that last page and say YES I am done!

Last night I picked The Restaurant at the End of he Universe by Douglas Adams. Its the continuation of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I've not read much of it yet but it seems as wacky as the first book. Honestly I am just glad that I finished reading Executive Orders!