
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Old Family Photos

This is my Mum & Dad.
The photo was taken in the 1950's or 1960's when they were out for tea one night.

This handsome gentleman was my Grandpop, William Henry (Dad's Dad). He worked in the railways.

One of my brothers & two of my sisters. Vicki, Mark & Julie. Taken around 1963/64.

My Nanna (Dad's Mum) Loretta Maude.

My Nanna, Edna May (Mum's Mum)

Uncle Johnny, Mum's brother.

This is my Grandpa, Charles. (Mum's Dad)


PoetessWug said...

How great that you have such a wonderful collection of photos marking your heritage. Pretty special! :-)

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thank you Poetess. I do love my old photos. Sad to say that most of my family in the photos have passed away. I'm very grateful that I have the photos to cherish & to help remind me how special they were.