
Thursday, August 05, 2010

Facet Joint Injections

I took Mark to Dandenong to get his Facet Joint Injections* today. I feel so sorry for him that he has to get steroid injections in his spine. Well maybe sorry isn't the right word. Its more like I am glad it's him and not me but I am sorry that he needs to have them to get pain relief. I'm crossing my fingers that these injections work better than the last ones. Considering the out of pocket payment I had to make today they better!! Gosh that makes me sound like a money pinching Scrooge. I'm not one really, honest!

I took my crochet to help me pass the time. I'm trying something different this time round. I'm not sure that I like it so far. Maybe I'll take some photos later and share what I've done.

When we were driving home Mark suggested that we go to Food Star for lunch. It's an all you can eat place. It's not bad there but I must admit that I have eaten better food. But for less than $16 each what do you really expect? I am sure that the boys would've loved it there. They would definitely make sure that they got their monies worth! However since they weren't I consider this as a kind of a date.

I cannot believe that I actually drove past Spotlight today and didn't go in! Gee Whiz I must have better will power than I thought I did! I so wanted to go in there. Maybe next time I will.

*if you click on the link you can find out what a facet joint injections is but the info I found is not from the place we went to

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