
Thursday, August 05, 2010

Suicide & that Wicked Witch

I can hardly believe that I was ever related to this stupid woman! Her selfish act has not only robbed my nephews (related via marriage only) of their father but my beautiful niece is in foster care too. The article doesn't mention my niece because Rob wasn't her father. She is my brothers little girl. No one in our family has seen her since she was a toddler or even knows exactly where she is.

My brother died back in January of 2002. Sadly he took his own life. He too was a victim of that selfish witch! She and her oldest daughter accused my brother of incest. Dad swears my brother is innocent but I am not so sure. I wont go into my reasons but regardless of what I thought of the situation my brother was beyond despair. He had lost his friends, they all deserted him. He felt that there was no hope and no way out of the pit he was in. He gassed himself in his car at his workplace (a market garden in Virginia).

I know my brother was no angel. There were times I was terrified of him but he was still my brother. He deserved better than he got. If I had known how badly he was hurting I would've tried to do something to help.

If anyone is feeling depressed & thinks there is no way out please talk to someone. Whether its a friend, family, your doctor or even lifeline. There is always someone around to listen.
Beyond Blue
Lifeline 13 11 14

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