
Monday, August 30, 2010

A New Carer For Brodie

Brodie met his new respite carer today from the Shire (Local Council) today. Its a BIG change from Adam. We ALL loved Adam. He was cool and young and super-friendly and 'with it'. He was just AWESOME ADAM! But sadly Adam was moving out of the area up to the Murray River somewhere. I know we will all miss him. The boys adored him.

Today we met Steve. Brodie was looking at me with pleading eyes. I could see what he was thinking. I could see that he wanted to do anything but meet this man. He had those eyes that said Mum let me off the hook. Let me OUT of here! PLEASE!

Of course I encouraged Brodie to go do something with his new carer. To go for a walk or to the shops, something to spend some time together. You wont know if you like him or not if you stay here! Steve suggested going to the local milk-bar/pizzeria for a milkshake. I thought it was a good idea. At least this way its informal and they can get to know one another.

They weren't gone all that long, half an hour at the most. Brodie rushed inside very quickly and said "Mum I've asked Steve if he can get Robert to come on Monday's".
Okay. You've had Robert before. You liked Robert. It might not be a bad thing ... however ... he may NOT be available! I don't think he has thought of that. I'll have to prepare him just in case Robert can't come.

Someone from the Shire is due to phone me tomorrow to see how tonight went. I'll let them now how Brodie felt & how he would like Robert if he was available. Even if we had to change nights I don't think Brodie would mind. Not if it mean he could have a carer of HIS choosing & one that he likes.

We'll see what happens.


PoetessWug said...

The beginning part of building new relationships can be so hard, can't they?! Like trying to pace quickly on a teeter totter! I'm sure things will eventually get back to a level place though. Hang in there.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Yes it sure can be tough building new relationships. I know how awkward and unsure I feel when it comes to that. I can only imagine how hard it is for Brodie. It certainly must put extra stress on him.

I would like it if he were able to form a bond with Steve but I don't want to push it.
I am sure that given time he may warm up to him but at the moment Brodie is putting up walls pretty fast. He really dislikes change but he needs to learn to adapt to new situations whether he likes it or not.