
Sunday, December 28, 2008

More Disappointment

Golly gosh. I phoned Vic's cousin about half an hour or so ago so that he could get a message to him that I needed to talk with him. The reason I made the call was because I am tired of the abuse that we suffer due to Brodie's behaviour and temper. He hurt Angus badly the other day and he was hurting him again this afternoon.

I was talking with a parent helpline the other day (they were not very helpful really) but from what they were saying we are victims of domestic violence. To be honest I have thought of that in the past when Brodie has lashed out at me and at Mark & Angus. I didn't want to think of his aggression towards us as domestic violence but I guess I have to face the facts and accept that it is. Especially if someone else has pointed it out.

Anyway, I digress from what I was originally wanting to write about today. You see we just got a phone call back from the boys father. I had to tell him how Brodie has been behaving and that he needed to know that Brodie was hurting Angus and I had to report him to the Human Services. At least making a complaint against Brodie may help get us into the right program to get him (and us) some help. I hated doing it but I have to protect Angus. The poor kid has been hiding the the bottom of the wardrobe trying to escape from Brodie's anger.

Back to the phone call again. I asked him straight out if he was coming over to see the boys. To which he came up with the lamest of excuses that he got an electricity bill in and it has to be paid. Well DER we get them too!! Brodie was listening, I didn't realise that he was within earshot, and became quite distressed when he heard that Vic wasn't coming. I had tried to prepare the boys for the fact that their father was NOT reliable and would not be likely to come at all. Even with me offering to pay for most of his trip and to let him stay here with us was not enticing enough for him, he wouldn't have to worry about paying for food and accommodation.

Back to Brodie he was crying and screaming profanities that his Dad is a liar, etc. He was using very colourful language. Vic heard every word he said. To be honest I didn't like the language that Brodie used but he is entitled to his feelings and the fact that his father heard it .. well maybe some of his actions or inaction's might sink in as to how what he does affects the boys and that I am the one putting the pieces back together in the aftermath! Even Angus as getting angry and annoyed. I don't blame him either.

Both boys have now, in the heat of the moment, stated that they do not want their father here and that if he does turn up to the door I am not allowed to let him in. They will change their minds eventually but I wont force them to like him right now. They have stated that they HATE him and I don't blame them one bit!

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