
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Winter's Coming

You know the weather is getting colder at night when the cat doesn't mind being covered by a blanket when he is lying next to you on the couch!


PoetessWug said...

Awwwww! How cute!...and warm. :-)

Jo-anne Blossy said...

We were definitely warmer :)

Susan said...

So cute :) We used to have a cat called JJ who looked just like him.

Unknown said...

My cats do that too.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Susan, he is cute :) this one is my special boy, Trip. His name is short for tripod. He only has 3 legs.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Cate, sounds like our cats are super cute :D

Tati said...

Ahh this is so cute :) I love cats!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Tatianna, Cats are my favourite animal :)