
Monday, November 01, 2010

Random Thoughts

Just some random thoughts ....

  • Why does the big red lump C.K. (Christmas Kitty) feel the need to come visit me when I go to the loo?
  • Why does C.K. want cuddles when I am busy? I know just about all cats do that! It's in their nature.
  • The person who invented sliding doors never had a cat who was smart enough to open them.
  • Why did the person who designed our place put sliding doors for the toilet? They obviously didn't own a cat either.


PoetessWug said...

Uh Oh! It's not the internet today. It's sliding doors that are gonna 'GET IT'!!! LOL

Jo-anne Blossy said...

lol it wasn't really that bad but it sure can be annoying when the cat knocks on the sliding door when you are otherwise occupied :)