
Thursday, July 22, 2010


We had Mark's sister & her two children come & visit with us today. They flew in from Perth early this morning. It was really nice seeing them.

I was even able to make another little teddy last night & I finished it this morning. I gave it & the other little teddy to Mark's nephew & niece.

Mark's brother, who lives in town, also came over. We even went out to for lunch. I think we had a pretty good day. And considering the two little ones hadn't slept they were really well behaved, especially for an overtired 3 & 4 year old.

They've now headed off to Ballarat to visit Grandma & some other family (whom I've not met yet - well I have met some of them). Then on the weekend they're off to Mt Buller for a snow holiday! Half their luck. We live here & I've never been to the snow. Maybe one day.

Anyway we've had a good day & I'm bushed.

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