I thought I would have a go at something different with my knitting. I wanted to make something that would be quick and easy to do. I was inspired by Poetess with her crocheted creations. She made some great slippers a little while ago. you can go HERE to see them. Since I didn't have a crochet pattern I knitted some. I have several patterns for knitted slippers.

So what you you think of the slippers? Any good?
I was thinking I might even make some for myself but I have to work out how to make them non-slip. I vaguely remember something about puffy paint being placed on the bottom helping. Does anyone have any ideas what will help make them non-slip?
First of all, YOU GO GIRL!! :-) They look so nice! A couple of hours?! WOW! You're better at the knitting than me!...Secondly, I love that color for slippers! And the flower on top!...I'm very proud of you!! You should be selling them if you can make them that fast. Don't push yourself. I don't! Just offer whatever you already have done...But what's wrong with crocheting all day?! (She said, with both hands crinkled up! LOL)
Thank you Poetess, I have been knitting for around 36 years (not bad since I am only 29 :P lol)so I can safely say I have had a bit more practise. If only my crocheting was as quick & as good as yours. That would be great :)
Its funny that you mentioned me making stuff to sell. Mark said I should open my own etsy store but I'm not sure I am confident enough to do that yet. I was thinking more like the farmers market they have here in town every month. However I'm not too sure about that either.
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