
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

It's Autumn


Today is the first 'official' day of Autumn [my second favourite season] and it sure does feel like it too. The sky is overcast & gloomy looking with a bit of rain. The wind certainly makes it feel cooler than it really is. I LOVE it! So long Summer!! Not that it was a very hot summer either *knock on wood* that we don't get many hot days between now & the end of April (it's been known to be hot until then)

I love this picture but cannot for the life of me remember where I got it from. Possibly through one of the yahoo groups I belong to no doubt. If you recognise the artist please let me know so that I can give them the proper credit. Thanks.

I would love to see scenes like this one. With the leaves on the trees looking so colourful & pretty. Although I would HATE to have to clean up the mess from them. It makes me glad that we don't really have any trees in our yard that we have to clean up after.

I'm off to put something on my feet since my toes are feeling a bit cold. I guess this means I will be spending less time running around barefoot. A small price to pay for cooler weather :)

Do you have a favourite season?


Unknown said...

It's gloomy and cold here, too, but almost spring. That's my favorite season. When all the trees are leafing out, various shades of green everywhere, flowers peeking their heads out. Everything seems to be waking up and coming back to life. Love it!

PoetessWug said...

I'm tempted to say that my favorite season is ANY SEASON other than the one we're having right now...WINTER!!! LOL But in actuality, my favorite season is Autumn also...But I'm actually looking forward to Summer getting here this year. I need to see some sun!! :-)

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Beverly, Spring is my favourite season too. I just love the colours that are on show after a bleak winter. It makes things look so pretty.

Poetess, I know what you mean about getting some sun. A little bit of sunshine just makes us feel so much better.

Aussie Maria said...

When I was younger I loved Spring and the warmth - it made me feel good.
Now as I aged & mellow (insert snigger), Autumn has become a fave, with its cool nights and wonderful days

Jo-anne Blossy said...

I love the crisp mornings and the cooler nights too Maria. It certainly makes getting to sleep a lot easier :)