
Monday, February 28, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old
36th Edition


1. What are you wearing right now?
2. Do you have any freckles?
3. What is your favorite Lifesaver flavor?
4. What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
5. Would you rather live without tv or without music?


My Answers!

1. What are you wearing right now?
A white t-shirt with a blue underwater scene with starfish, seahorses, shells & coral and a pair of black 3/4 length pants. I guess you might call them capris.

2. Do you have any freckles?
Oh boy do I ever! I don't think that there is a place I don't have freckles!

3. What is your favorite Lifesaver flavor?


4. What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
Tomorrow When The War Began. I saw it with Angus about 7 months ago. I guess its time to go to the movies again :)

5. Would you rather live without tv or without music?
Oh gosh what a choice. I could say music because at least you can have music video shows on TV to watch. I kind of got around that one I think.


Helen Pigott said...

I'm a tv girl too!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

I love my TV. I am so addicted :P

Kate Campbell said...

I loved Tomorrow when the War Began.
Have a great Monday and hope you have a good week.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

It was a good movie Kat. I'm hoping that they make the rest of the series. There's seven books altogether.

Leslie said...

A Musk lifesaver? I don't think I've ever heard, seen or tasted that one!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

They must be an Aussie flavour then Leslie. I haven't heard of half of the flavours some of the other bloggers in the blog hop have mentioned either. I guess each country has different types.

Bev Hankins said...

I have never heard of Musk Lifesavers. You're right, they must particular to Australia.

Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Never heard of Musk Lifesavers. And I got around the TV question, too!

PoetessWug said...

All of the questions are funny to me today. Maybe it's my mood... :-] I WON'T answer #1; Freckles?! I don't know if I have them. Maybe they're underneath my brown skin somewhere. LOL And music or t.v.?! PLEASE don't take away my music!!! How ever would I be able to dance?! ^_^

Coupon Queen said...

Nope, we don't have Musk Lifesavors but I saw them when I was looking for my pictures, I would love to try that! New things are always fun. Yours is also the 2nd movie I haven't heard of that I want to check out. Kind of sounds like Red Dawn so I am curious. Have a great week Jo-anne! :)

Jenn said...

Huh. I have never heard of musk life savers. What in the world do they taste like? All I can think of is cologne.

Becky W said...

Is Musk like a melon? have heard of Musk Melons but not lifesaver flavored ones....the musk I am thinking of would not be something I ate.
I enjoyed stopping by your blog!

Becky @

Empty Nester said...

Musk lifesavers? That's a new one on me. What do they taste like?

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks for visiting Bev :)

Beverly, great minds think alike :D

Poetess, I know what you mean about music. There's nothing like dancing to it. It makes you feel good!

Coupon Queen, its an Aussie movie. It is very much like Red Dawn. I love that movie because Patrick Swayze is in it ;)

Jenn, Becky W & EmptyNester, musk life savers taste pink. I can't think of any other way to describe them :/ apart from being delicious.

Unknown said...

"Musk" lifesavers?! What do they taste like? I can only think of perfume or melons!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Alicia, its hard to describe what they taste like other than pink. Sorry I'm not much help.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

I have never heard of Musk! But then again, I can't say I'm up to date on all the LIfe Savers flavors! Thanks for visiting my MMoM!
Have a great week!

Lila said...

I use to dream of having freckles. Happy Monday.

Yvonne said...

I never heard of Musk lifesavers. I chose TV, but it was a tough call.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Hi Rebecca, thanks for visiting.

Bella, I used to wish that I never had them but over the years its just something I have grown used to.

Yvonne, I think that musk lifesavers must be an Aussie thing. It was tough to choose TV over music, thank goodness there are music shows on TV so its still a win-win.

Everly said...

thanks for stopping by What Would Jen Do

never heard of musk lifesavers, i'm about to google those

have a great week

Pamela Scott said...

thanks for stopping by I loved all your answers..I could not wlive without my TV!! sometimes its my bestfriend..:-)

Joshlin said...

Musk flavor? That's one I never heard of. I did enjoy your post though and also checkout your food blog. I saved one of those great looking recipies! Now going check out more on this blog! Have a great day!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks for stopping by Jen :)

Thank you Pam. I know what you mean about the TV.

Thanks for visiting my blogs Joshlin. I hope that you like what you see :)

Novroz said...

Thank you for meeting me on Monday in my blog :)

I have a late meeting in your blog due to my job. I like that picture you have chosen to say you can live without music;)

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks for stopping by Novroz :) its nice to meet you.

Monica said...

You have a really great blog... I'm participating in Meet Me on Monday, and I hope you have a chance to check out my blog!!