
Saturday, January 01, 2011

Sleeping Beauties?

Angus & C.K. asleep (or half asleep) on the naughty couch! If you are wondering why we call it the naughty couch, its because when you lie down on it or sit on it for too long you end up falling asleep no matter how hard you try and resist it!


  1. Ha! Ha! Another one bites the dust...chalk another one up for the naughty couch!! ^_^ They look so cute! And I'm always fancying a nap, so the naughty couch would "...have me at hello!" ^_^

  2. lol I am sure you would fall asleep too Poetess :)
    I just got off the couch myself. I was knitting some toys and started feeling sleepy. It was my cue to move.
