
Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Do you make New Year's Resolutions? I don't normally, I never seem to be able to keep them. So here is my attempt at some that I will endeavour to keep...

  • I will stop calling people names feeling jealous when I see cooking blog posts where they have photos of Kitchen Aid mixers. I will end up with one some day, somewhere down the track, in this millennium ...
  • I will avoid taking a bath whenever possible so that I can do my bit & conserve more water :P
  • I will do less laundry and use more roll-on deodorant, just doing my bit for the environment again :D
  • I will spend MORE time on the internet blogging, chatting, on Twitter or Facebook
  • I will try and figure out why I need so many email addresses or maybe not
  • I will ALWAYS wear clean underwear, just in case. (That should make my Mum happy)
  • I will watch more t.v. it's educational, plus I like watching documentaries (and soaps, sci-fi, comedies..)
  • I promise that I will stick to these new resolutions for at least one week (but I get to choose which week)
  • I promise to add to my yarn collection whenever I can (Edited 5:52pm Friday) [I almost forgot that one - its such an important one to include]
What are your New Year's Resolutions?


  1. Good stuff. I wish you luck. My resolution is not to make any resolutions--that's one I think I can keep!

  2. Thank You Beverly. That's my "normal' resolution - to not make any at all! But I thought I might give it another try :D
    Happy New Year!
