
Saturday, January 01, 2011

The Storm

You can never say life is boring in my house. Your hair would curl if I put everything into a post. Although some days are much better than others. The rest are the kinds of days that you wish you never got out of bed for because it would be easier to sleep the day away. Those are the days that you need to ESCAPE from all sorts of things.

Last night turned into one of those days. I thought it would be nice to have a nice supper, being New Years Eve and all, with lots of yummy food to eat. We had 4 different types of cheeses to taste, dips with celery & carrot sticks, kabana, cocktail franks, crackers and chips. I thought we could sit down to watch a movie together. You know something normal families do. I forgot though, my family is NOT normal! I had completely forgotten that normal was only a cycle on the washing machine. What was I thinking?

You see sometimes my boys are wishy-washy when it comes to some things. Angus was, oh I don't know I can't find the right words to describe it, being overly careful when cutting the cheese and wanted me to do it for him. Mark told him to grow some balls and do it himself. he really meant grow up and do it yourself. You can't have Mum do it for you all the time. Well Brodie didn't like it. That's when it started. The SHIT hit the fan! My goodness the yelling, the swearing, the carry on, the tears.

I'm trying to settle things down asking Brodie to leave the room and calm down. To go to his room and cool off. But NO! He was refusing to listen. More things were said. I don't remember them all but there were probably lots of things that shouldn't have been spoken. Poor Angus is looking at me with pleading eyes. Eyes that were saying I started this didn't I?

Eventually Brodie went to his room. Mark went into his shed. Angus & I were left in the lounge room. What were we meant to do now? Mark says he's leaving. Brodie said he's worthless. Angus & I are crying but for different reasons.

Brodie eventually came out to talk with me. Angus went to talk to Mark. Brodie wanted to apologise but didn't know if he would be believed. I told him that he is good with words if he writes them down. So he went and wrote an email to Mark.

Things are much better today. The storm hit, we survived. We live in the calm before the next tempest! Looking back at things, hindsight is a wonderful thing. There were signs there that stated a blow up might occur. Words could've been chosen more carefully (but who does that in the heat of the moment). I shouldn't have insisted that we all sit in the lounge room. I could've made it more casual.

I mean let's face it Brodie has Aspergers (and Mark has Borderline). I forget that sometimes. Brodie likes routine and its predictability. I changed that routine. Now I am not saying that I am totally to blame. Brodie needs to learn to control his temper and to listen. But as I said hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Any way, it was not the best way to end an old year and start a new one. Let's hope that this new year has a better forecast than yesterdays storm.


  1. WOW! I am so sorry that your house has so much tension sometimes. I know this tension well from when I was a kid. That's why I INSIST on cal and peace around me, to the extent I can control it, now! I've been there/Done that with all of that stress! It's not good for you!...I'm sure you already know that. :-] The kind of days you have sometime makes me thankful I don't have kids! I'd be living alone in the Himalayas as a childless single mom I'm sure!! ^_^ {Somebody would be dead...or gone! LOL}

  2. Poetess, It honestly isn't too bad most of the time. Things have improved dramatically over the past few years. I am sure that maturity has played a part in improving things. That and medication lol.

    I truly believe that its the school holidays that cause a lot of the problems at this time of year. That and the changes in our daily routine. I'm just waiting for school to go back so things can improve some more. Roll on February .. ..

  3. Bless your heart. In the end, it's all about getting up one more time, isn't it?

  4. Yes Beverly, you're right. It is about getting up one more time. You can never give up :)
