I got totally side-tracked from writing this post and I have lost my train of thought. Don't you just hate that? I know I do. Okay I have totally forgotten what I wanted to say about the phone other than I am having lots of fun playing on it. I have tweeted, updated my status on Facebook & I have even played that game Angry Bird that everyone seemed to know about before I did. Almost forgot I can Buzz too :)
Mark set up the wi-fi on the phone so I don't have to worry about using up the remaining credit I have on it either. So at least when I am home I wont have a problem.
I am sure that there is more that I was going to write, oh well. Just call me an airhead :P
Now its a toss up .. do I go prepare tea or do I play with the phone some more? Hmm ... what a choice.
Ha! Ha! Have fun!! {For me, all that gadgetry wouldn't be fun. I'm definitely not a techie type!...I won't even let my husband buy me a phone with a camera on it! Too confusing. Am I talking to someone or trying to take a picture of them?!! LOL}
Not everyone is cut out to be a geek & a techie Poetess :) I'll be techie enough for the both of us :D
Ha! Ha! It's a deal!
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