
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Communication Shutdown November 1st 2010

Social interaction is one of the biggest challenges for people with Autism. Monday November 1st the world will have some idea on what it's like.

By choosing to 'shutdown' your social networks (Twitter & Facebook) for one day (November 1st) you will have an idea on how people on the Autism Spectrum face this challenge every day.

Go HERE to find out more about Communication Shutdown.

I Can't Wait

I can't wait for November 18th, well maybe I can. I guess you're wondering why. Well, it's when Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows part 1 comes out. The boys & I have been waiting for this movie to come out.

I want to see Voldemort get his comeuppance! Although I wonder how close to the book this particular storyline will be. I know that the producers & screenplay writers have artistic license but I just wonder what they will actually put on the big screen.

I guess I'll just have to wait.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

30 Day Meme - A Non-fictional Book

I went to see Tony Attwood talk on Aspergers & Autism a while ago. He was brilliant! All I remember was that as he spoke about Aspergers I kept thinking he was talking about Brodie.
I bought this book after the seminar, they had them on sale & it was a little bit cheaper to get them then & there than to send away for them. I have to admit though I haven't read all of it yet. I guess that's one thing I need to put on my list of things to do.

Friday, October 29, 2010

World Psoriasis Day October 29

The aim of World Psoriasis Day is to
  • increase awareness & understanding
  • to let sufferers know they are NOT alone
  • to dispel myths surrounding psoriasis
  • to let people know psoriasis is NOT contagious
  • to encourage health care professionals to learn more about psoriasis & to help them increase access to treatments for all sufferers (for those with psoriatic arthritis &/or psoriasis).
If you know somebody with psoriasis please remember they need your love and support. Psoriasis affects a person mentally almost MORE than it does physically!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thankful Thursday


Things I am thankful for
  • That I am alive & kicking!
  • My boys & for Mark
  • My small backyard. It's just big enough for a small veggie garden :)
  • Interchange & the respite that it provides us
What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

30 Day Meme - A Fictional Book

This is the book I am currently reading. It's certainly different to the books I normally read. It's not a bad though.

Science Project

Angus has a science project in which he had to make something that could throw a tennis ball at least 3 metres (almost 10 feet). He was to research then design what sort of thing he wanted to make to achieve this.

To be honest he was NOT very excited about this and kept wanting to put it off. I was telling him that he was now like Adam & Jamie from Mythbusters. I should have told him that he was my little MacGyver! I am sure he would've like that a bit better.

As you can see from these photos he decided upon a catapult. Angus & Mark were to work on this together but I am sure that Mark did more than his fair share of the design & construction. At least this is complete and a week ahead of schedule. Angus needs to take it in to school next week for 'testing' and assessment. I think it was really good that Angus & Mark got to work together.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

30 Day Meme - 20 Of My Favourite Things

Have you ever tried coming up with 20 of your favourite things? It's not quite as easy as you would think. Here goes .... & they're in no particular order either

  1. My Family
  2. The fur babies! I love my cats!
  3. Yarn/Wool
  4. Listening to music
  5. Spring time! I just love everything to do with it.
  6. Carnations
  7. Newborn babies
  8. Knitting
  9. Crochet
  10. Reading
  11. Stargate
  12. Star Trek
  13. Books
  14. Lovatts Crossword puzzles
  15. Did I say yarn? (okay now I am beginning to get stuck for ideas)
  16. Fresh baked bread
  17. Rain on a hot day
  18. Having dinner cooked for me
  19. Cool weather (I hate the heat)
  20. Lazy afternoons in the sun
  21. I know that I said 20 things but I really do love yarn/wool!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Meet Me On Monday 19th Edition

hosted by Java at Never Growing Old


1. Do you sleep with a night light on?
2. What do you drink with dinner?
3. Do you play the lottery? If so, how often?
4. How often do you go to the grocery store?
5. Would you rather travel back in time 500 years or travel forward 500 years?


1. Do you sleep with a night light on?
No. I like it to be fairly dark when I go to sleep but Mark likes to have his torch handy so he can make it into bed safely. We leave it plugged in to the power point in the hallway so its a night light when its switched on.

2. What do you drink with dinner?
Usually I drink Pepsi-max but I don't always have a drink during dinner.

3. Do you play the lottery? If so, how often?
Not at all. I'd rather keep my money. There's no guarantee you'll win anyway.

4. How often do you go to the grocery store?
It depends on what I run out of in the pantry. Generally I go twice a week sometimes more depending on which supermarket I go to. There are some things I can get in one shop that I can't get in the other.

5. Would you rather travel back in time 500 years or travel forward 500 years?
Gosh what a good question. In some ways I would love to travel back 500 years just to see what it was like where my ancestors came from but that having said that I would also like to see what things would be like in the future. I wouldn't mind finding out what sort of wacky gadgets that are available 500 years from now.

30 Day Meme - Something You Are OCD About

Something I'm OCD about .. gosh I had to think about this one. I tend to be very particular about how I hang out my washing. I like it done a certain way to allow the air & sunlight get at things more easily so that they can dry out better. I also like to hang clothes out a certain way so that they don't stretch and get out of shape.
There have been times where Mark or the boys have helped me hang things out on the line & I've come along behind them & hung the clothes out the 'right' way. It's not that I don't appreciate their help its just that I like it done a certain way. I guess that might make me a little bit OCD about it.

Although a few years ago I was WORSE when it came to hanging out the washing. The clothes had to be pegged to the line using the right coloured pegs. You couldn't have colours that clashed. Like green clothes hung with blue pegs, red clothes with green pegs, pink clothes with green pegs, red clothes with pink pegs, that sort of thing. The pegs had to be matching in colour too. No green & blue pegs used together on one item. No mixing & matching colours. They HAD to MATCH or I didn't use them! Now that truly was an OCD thing! Thankfully I am not like that any more. These days I just use whatever pegs I grab out of the bucket just as long as the clothes are hung correctly on the line I don't care what colour is used!

I'm sure there are other things that I might be a little OCD about. Mark could probably name a few. He thinks (as do I) that I have a few Aspie traits of my own.

Is there anything you are OCD about?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

30 Day Meme - A Youtube Video

I like this song :)
It's one of my 'new' favourites.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

30 Day Meme - A Photo That Makes You Angry/Sad

I took this photo a few days after the Black Saturday bushfire last year. Behind me is the boys Primary School, just a few metres down the road. Thankfully the school was saved. Elvis (fire-fighting helicopter) dumped a whole heap of water on it.
Yep, this photo definitely makes me feel sad. Especially when I think about the fact that the fire was deliberately lit.

I often get to drive through the areas around our town there were burnt and think how lucky we were that day. You can still see where the fire had been. Some of the trees still look black but the majority of them have lots of new growth. Come to think of it even some of the ones with the new growth still have black trunks. It will be a very long time before I can forget about that day.

Friday, October 22, 2010

30 Day Meme - A Photo That Makes You Happy

I love this photo of Mum.

An Interesting Phone Call

Kids! I can't believe Brodie. He's at school at the moment & I just got a phone call from him.

B: I was talking with Sharon (his aide) and I was telling her I don't want to be at school. She said I should phone you. I want to come home.

Me: No.

B: But I have nothing to do.

Me: You have work to do. You can study. (He has exams coming up soon).

B: But I want to come home.

Me: Don't you have a music class today? Give me a good reason why you should come home.

B: 'cos you love me.

Me: Yes I do but that's not a good reason. You'll only come home and go straight onto Facebook.

B: No I wont. (Believe me he WILL, its one of the first thing he does when he gets home). I didn't stay on it last night.

Me: Yes you did. I'll see you this afternoon.

B: Huh?

Me: When I pick you up from the bus stop.

B: Oh :( I hate you!

Me: I know you do (not really he just doesn't like my decision)

B: I hate you!

Me: Okay but I'll see you this afternoon.

B: Okay. Bye Mum

Me: Bye.

Honestly he's a trier that one! I am hoping that he will learn that
  1. He can't just come home when he wants to. If he has a job he can't just leave because he doesn't want to be there that day.
  2. He learns to have staying power and NOT give up because he is bored.
  3. I wont always come to the rescue. He needs to learn to be independent and to work things out on his own.
  4. Even though I am not always at his beck & call that I do love him & will be there for him when he really needs me.
It seems to me that he doesn't really like being at school on a Friday. Good thing he only has a few more weeks of school left before he's finished for the year. Then lucky me will have him home for an extra 2 - 3 weeks before Angus finishes. Brodie may end up hating me even more ~ I wont let him sit on his butt all day at the computer *evil grin* Sometimes I LOVE being a Mum!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thankful Thursday


Things I am thankful for

  • My internet connection - because all my friends live in there .. well not all of them but I have made some really great friends whom I have never met but it would be fantastic if I could.
  • sunshine - just because it makes me feel so good right now
  • my slow cooker - because I make some fantastic meals using it
  • my cats - because they love me no matter what

What are you thankful for this week?

Pretty Flowers

Angus is so sweet. He took a couple of photos of this tree using his mobile phone because I had admired the bright pink flowers. I just had to share them. It's almost like he bought me a bunch of flowers :)

30 Day Meme - Favourite Book

I couldn't choose my most favourite book, at least not a novel anyway but this would have to be my most favourite children's book!

Blogger Isn't Playing Nice

Bah Humbug! I wanted to share a beautiful photo that Angus took for me on his way home from school yesterday but blogger isn't playing nice with photo uploads because they're doing maintenance at the moment. I guess that means I should go do some more housework and wait until I can upload pictures again.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

World Osteoporosis Day October 20th 2010

Osteoperosis is a silent disease. Some people don't even know they have it and for many it remains undiagnosed.

If you want to check out if you are at risk there's a one minute test (19 questions) you can do online. You can find it HERE

Awareness is Power. If you are at risk and you find out now it might be worthwhile seeing your GP to find out how to prevent it & minimise any further risk. Its better to be safe than sorry.

To find out more about World Osteoperosis Day go HERE.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

30 Day Meme - Your Favorite Quote

This was actually one of my Mum's favourite quotes but I love it too. I have no idea where Mum got it from ...

"Every little bit helps," said the little old lady as she widdled into the ocean.


I've been shopping on ebay again! What can I say I love the bargains that I am able to find there :)
I usually go for the buy it now as I don't really like losing in an auction but I actually won an item last night! I won a Jean Greenhowe book, The MacScarecrow Clan for $1.75. It cost more than that for postage. I just love Jeans patterns. Eventually I would like to get all of her books.

I also got another Jean Greenhowe Christmas book .. as a buy it now of course. Its coming from England but buying it from there is around $5 cheaper than if I bought it from my local yarn shop or even from Spotlight.
I know what I'll be doing as soon as these books arrive ... I'll be making sure I have enough yarn to make all of them.. any excuse to go shopping and adding to my stash!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Totally Random

If you could read my mind you'd need therapy.

I don't have wrinkles I have maturity creases.

If you can't see the bright side of life, polish the dull side.

My family tree produces more nuts than timber!! (well sometimes it does)

I would help to clean up the kitchen, but I'm dish-lexic

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Hero!

Brodie is my hero! Look at what he got for his Mum yesterday when he was at the Armageddon Expo! Michael Shanks's autograph! Yay Brodie!! Thank you!!! It makes me wish I went with you now .. there's always next year :) and we'll both go!

He got Tori Higginsons autograph for himself. He was over the moon when he spoke with her. She is his favourite Stargate Atlantis character, Elizabeth Weir, well apart from John Shepherd played by Joe Flannigan.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

30 Day Meme - A Photo Taken Over 10 Years Ago Of You

As promised I did NOT take any NEW photos of me but here is one from September 1994. I was stunning back then! I don't know what happened to that gorgeous woman! If only I had stayed that thin ... buy hey I still have those rosy red cheeks, sparkly eyes & that smile :D

Silent Saturday

Goodness it is SOOOOOO quiet in my place. Well it was until Angus started singing, which isn't a bad thing really. Angus & I are the only ones at home at the moment. We're having a day all to ourselves!

Mark left super early this morning. In fact I didn't even hear him start the motorbike. Mark's going to be a marshal for the MRA Cranbourne GP Run in the lead up to the Moto GP on Phillip Island. It's been quite a few years since he's done that. To be honest it will do him some good to get out of the house. He hardly goes anywhere these days. He's become a real home body!!

Brodie is off to the Armageddon Expo in Melbourne. He caught the train in to Melbourne with a friend from school. He hates travelling on his own & thankfully there were a few kids he knows going so he went with one of them. I'm kind of jealous that he's going. I mean Angus & I could've gone with him but I want him to learn to be more independent, travel on the train & do things on his own. If I keep accompanying him he wont learn .. so... the sacrifices I make as a Mum :P Techinically he isn't on his own he has a school friend (or two) with him. Who would want a parent with them when you have other teens with you?

Angus & I dropped Brodie off at the train station this morning in the next town. That way we could head off to McDonalds to get a couple of bacon & egg muffins for brekky! Nom Nom, they tasted so good!
We also went to the local market today. There were hardly any stalls. You'd be lucky if there was 6-8 stalls all up. I'm thinking that the stall holders were somewhere near Phillip Island. After all that is where I would be if I was selling stuff. The crowds would be HUGE and you would make a packet of money today! Oh well there is always next month.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Great Weather For Ducks!

I think someone forgot to remind Mother Nature that its now spring time and that we expect MORE sunshine rather than wet wintry days.

In fact it is so wet and cold outside that our cat Trip went out the back door, stopped dead in his tracks, turned around and came straight back in.

A bit of a puddle by the 'Man Cave'.

Trip all warm & cosy on the couch!

I know the weather bureau said that we should expect some wet weather but it has rained solidly for at least the last 4 hours that I know of. The boys got a little bit excited as the forecast for later today is thunderstorms. It makes me grateful that we have a lovely warm & dry home to shelter in.

30 Day Meme - A Song That Makes You Cry

This song makes me cry, without fail, every time I hear it.
Pass the tissues please ...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thankful Thursday


I am thankful for
  • my family - even though they drive me balmy at times I love them to pieces & wouldn't really change a thing about them, well maybe a tiny little bit
  • my internet friends/family - they are just awesome & so full of love, strength & compassion for others
  • Spring time! I truly love this time of year with all of the blossoms & flowers and their pretty colours and fragrances. Also the slightly warmer weather & not needing to wear jumpers & jackets all day every day
  • for the rain that keeps my vegetable garden growing
  • the sun that shines & warms up my body & helps my psoriasis disappear just that teeny bit more each day
What are you thankful for this week?

School Photos

I finally managed to scan the boys school photos (better late than never). Thank goodness the scanner decided to play nice. These photos were taken back in March but they boys haven't really changed all that much since then.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Crochet Blinkies

I had been searching online for some blinkies about crochet for a few days without any luck whatsoever. My thinking was it would be easier to look for one rather than make them myself. I hadn't made any blinkies in a very long time & I didn't know whether I would still be able to do them.
Unfortunately I was unable to find any & believe me I searched through hundreds of blinkies. That's when I came across an online blinkie maker. Yay I could cheat and not have to open up Paint Shop Pro or Animation Shop.

Here's the blinkies I made. Feel free to snag them if you wish. Just right click & save as.


If you want to make your own blinkies from the site I used just click HERE.

**I have noticed that the blinkies aren't animating like they should if you click on them you should be able to access them via my folder on photo bucket. If you have any problems please let me know**

30 Day Meme - Favourite Song

My current favourite Top 40 song.
I like it mainly for the beat & the chorus and certainly not for the film clip. I hadn't seen the clip until today. The contestants on X-factor did a pretty version of this on the show the other night.

A Cat In A Box

A typical stubborn cat thinking it can fit any old place ...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Who's That Knocking At My Door?

It was the postman! YAY for the postie & YAY for the parcels that he delivers!! I hadn't told you about the things that I had ordered over the past few days. You gotta love ebay! Some of the parcels started arriving yesterday.

Our server stopped working properly last week. It didn't recognise that there were two hard drives in it. I can tell you that we were bitterly disappointed because all stuff was stored on it. We didn't lose it all, well we didn't lose much at all really because I am lucky enough to have a 1 TB hard drive on my computer and everything was saved there. I hadn't deleted anything that we had transferred to the server.
Anyway, I bought, get this a 2 TB hard drive from ebay last week. It was even cheaper than the 1TB I bought for my computer! Mark started setting up the server again yesterday afternoon. Last night I began to transfer things over to it. Although it is giving me the pips because my computer keeps freezing after a while & I need to restart.

We also had a smoothwall running but we stopped using it due to the fact that it can slow our connection speed. Not only that we were hosting my incredimail website from home & since the server crashed my site was down (and it still currently is down - sorry) Thankfully all of my IMF files are over in my yahoo group for people to snag from there. Only problem with that is there are no previews.

So with our smoothwall (smoothie for short) not in use we no longer had a computer to cache all the sites that we all frequently visited. Which of course meant that our bandwidth usage increased. With this in mind Mark & I decided that it was a good idea to reset smoothie but there was a problem. The CD ROM died. Ebay to the rescue again. I bought one to replace the broken one.
I swear I am honestly getting tired of buying things that keep breaking down. I should just be grateful that I have the funds to do this and that I don't break the budget every week!

Ok, [insert brain freeze] here from getting side-tracked!

Also bought on ebay this past week was an Android Tablet for Brodie. He paid with it with his own money but since I am his 'finance manager' for want of a better term I bought it through my account. Since he isn't very reliable with money (& the fact he is under age) his pay gets placed into my bank account and I keep very detailed records of how his money is spent. Just in case Centrelink ever want to know where his money goes.

Brodie's tablet arrived yesterday and he is over the moon with it. Especially since he has broken his toughbook! Even though his laptop is a toughbook it is NOT Brodie-proof! The inverter has gone kaput so I've had to order a new one for him. Something else from ebay! It's coming from the US so it might a be a while before it gets here.

So you can see that I love my postie for bringing me all of these wonderful things. I'm just hoping that nothing else breaks. Ooops I've probably jinxed myself now.

**using those particular words for the title had me singing the Men At Work song Who Can It Be Now as I typed. I loved that song as a teen :)

Its On The List!

I've been umming & ahhing for most of the morning (well its only just after 10:30am here) on what type of blog post to do today. Do get days like that? The ones where you aren't exactly sure what to type until you actually start your post. As might be able to tell that's how mine started.

I have managed to come up with a few ideas for future posts. I have now added three more ideas to go along with a list that I have now started. Its all good having these lists but I am thinking its pretty pointless is having a list of ideas unless I actually use it.

Back soon with something from the List!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Meet Me On Monday 18th Edition

hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old


1. Do your pants get hung on a hangar or folded?
2. If you are stranded on an Island, what 3 things would you need to have with you (not including humans or electronic devices)?
3. Where is the farthest you have ever traveled to?
4. Do you live in a house, trailer or apartment, etc.?
5. What is your most hated household chore?

1. Do your pants get hung on a hangar or folded?
It depends on the pants but mostly I fold them.

2. If you are stranded on an Island, what 3 things would you need to have with you (not including humans or electronic devices)?
An endless supply of wool/yarn with my knitting needles & crochet hooks.
A never ending packet of Tim Tams
A never ending supply of pepsi max
3. Where is the farthest you have ever traveled to?
Yuma, Arizona; Dallas Ft. Worth Airport and Lake Cowichan, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
4. Do you live in a house, trailer or apartment, etc.?
We live in a two bedroom unit.5. What is your most hated household chore?
I absolutely HATE cleaning the shower cubicle. It's awkward to clean & I leave it until I really need to do it or I try and con one of the boys to clean it.

Pen Pals

I had a couple of pen pals when I was growing up. Sadly I am no longer in contact with them but it really was great getting to know someone who lived on the other side of the planet. It made the world seem like a smaller place.

When I was in primary school my pen pal was from New England and her name was Diane. I don't remember an awful lot about her which is sad but I do remember that I loved writing to her. I'm not totally sure how we became pen friends but I have a feeling it was something to do with Possum Pages, a kids section in the Sunday paper. We lost contact after she moved house. I still think its pretty cool that I remember her considering my memory isn't always at its best.

My other pen pal was a Civil Engineer from Poland. I was in college when I began corresponding with her. For the life of me I cannot recall her name :( Sorry. Just call me an airhead! Although a few months ago while I was tidying up I did find the pretty purple folder where I kept her letters and postcards that she had sent. I put the folder in a safe place. So safe that I can't find it again. Remind me to tell you about my teaching diploma and how safe that is!

Anyway, I remember it became an important thing between us, this postcard swapping. Each new place we went to we would grab a postcard or two to sent to one another. I kept a list of where I went (its in the folder) and I tried to make sure that there were some cute Australian animals on them. I'm not sure why we stopped writing to one another. Perhaps it was because we moved. Who knows.

These days having a pen pal is so much easier, at least it seems that way to me. Especially with computers so readily available & being able to send an email or two is a lot faster and instantly gratifying. But there is nothing like getting a letter or a parcel delivered to your door. I can certainly uplift your whole day!

Did you have a pen pal when you were growing up? Do you have one now? I would love to hear about them.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Today's Date

Just a bit of Trivia but today's day is 10/10/10
Too bad I didn't think to post this at 10:10 am then that would've been funny!

Day 30 - 30 Day Meme

Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

Gosh another photo of me! I HATE having my picture taken! I look old & red & fat! That's why I only do head shots :P Please take note that this may be the LAST picture taken of me for quite some time!

I had such a hard time trying to work out three good things that have happened in the past 30 days. I always feel like I am put on the spot when I need to think of something like this. It almost makes me feel like a rabbit blinded by a spotlight.

Okay ... three good things that happened ....
  • The kids went on school holidays & we could sleep in!!!
  • We had a couple of really good family days together during the school hols
  • I was able to go on a DATE with Angus to the movies.
Gosh I can't believe that the past thirty days has gone by so quickly! I must admit though it was fun (for the most part) to complete these daily tasks. Although I have my next meme list lined up already I am not sure about completing them on a daily basis. Mainly because they are very similar to this challenge that I just completed. Who knows .. we'll see if I get stuck for posts ...

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Silly Birdie!

My silly bird, a white cockatiel named Jonas (NO he was NOT named after the Jonas brothers. I named him after Jonas Quinn from Stargate SG1) got out of his cage this morning and started flying about the lounge/dining area. Birdie never gets let out of his cage due to us having birds but he was out flying from one end of the room to another. Silly duffer that he is!

Angus grabbed a towel for me to try and throw it over him so we could catch him before he got hurt. As I said he is a silly bird and he flew straight into the glass sliding door. Our friend Maity was here and he managed to catch him for us (without the towel) but he got bitten BIG time. Poor birdie lost his tail feathers too :(
He's back in his cage but he is awful quiet & looking very unhappy.

This is a picture of Jonas in his old cage .. well before he lost his tail feathers

Day 29 - 30 Day Meme

Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.



I think the blinkies pretty much speak for themselves. I never get tired of creating something. Mostly through fibre crafts such as knitting or crochet. Just call me a happy hooker or a knifty knitter!!

Friday, October 08, 2010

A New 30 Day Meme

I was thinking GOSH what am I going to do for posts once my 30 day meme finishes in a couple of days! Especially if I have a brain freeze and am unable to think of anything. Thankfully I came across another great meme. This one is also from the same blog as my current one. Its from Tina at Tina Gray {dot} me
A lot of it is repetition from the one I am about to finish so I'll just pick & choose some of the ones I haven't done.

If you wish to see Tina's list you can find it HERE

Day 1 – your favorite song
Day 2 – your favorite movie
Day 3 – your favorite television program
Day 4 – your favorite book
Day 5 – your favorite quote
Day 6 – 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 – a photo that makes you happy
Day 8 – a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 – a photo you took
Day 10 – a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 – a photo of you recently
Day 12 – something you are OCD about
Day 13 – a fictional book
Day 14 – a non-fictional book
Day 15 – your dream house
Day 16 – a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 – an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18 – your wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 – a talent of yours
Day 20 – a hobby of yours
Day 21 – a recipe
Day 22 – a website
Day 23 – a youtube video
Day 24 – where I live
Day 25 – your day, in great detail
Day 26 – your week, in great detail
Day 27 – my worst habit
Day 28 – what’s in my handbag/purse
Day 29 – hopes,dreams, plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 – a dream for the future beyond the next year

Day 28 - 30 Day Meme

Day 28 – Your favourite movie.

Gosh I don't have just ONE favourite movie. I have several!

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

I thought I would try something a little different & hopefully I will remember to make this a regular post each week. Sometimes we forget to be thankful for what we have. Maybe this way I can list a few things I have been grateful for during the past week.

I am thankful ...
  • that school went back this week. I love both my boys dearly but I am ever so grateful school went back. It's like getting extra respite :D
  • for the quiet time I get to enjoy during the day
  • for my postman who delivered some parcels this week
  • for having enough money to be able to purchase a few little extras for the family & not blowing the family budget
  • for being able to make a teeny bit of cash from selling one of my knitted Santa dolls
What are you thankful for this week?