
Monday, October 25, 2010

30 Day Meme - Something You Are OCD About

Something I'm OCD about .. gosh I had to think about this one. I tend to be very particular about how I hang out my washing. I like it done a certain way to allow the air & sunlight get at things more easily so that they can dry out better. I also like to hang clothes out a certain way so that they don't stretch and get out of shape.
There have been times where Mark or the boys have helped me hang things out on the line & I've come along behind them & hung the clothes out the 'right' way. It's not that I don't appreciate their help its just that I like it done a certain way. I guess that might make me a little bit OCD about it.

Although a few years ago I was WORSE when it came to hanging out the washing. The clothes had to be pegged to the line using the right coloured pegs. You couldn't have colours that clashed. Like green clothes hung with blue pegs, red clothes with green pegs, pink clothes with green pegs, red clothes with pink pegs, that sort of thing. The pegs had to be matching in colour too. No green & blue pegs used together on one item. No mixing & matching colours. They HAD to MATCH or I didn't use them! Now that truly was an OCD thing! Thankfully I am not like that any more. These days I just use whatever pegs I grab out of the bucket just as long as the clothes are hung correctly on the line I don't care what colour is used!

I'm sure there are other things that I might be a little OCD about. Mark could probably name a few. He thinks (as do I) that I have a few Aspie traits of my own.

Is there anything you are OCD about?


PoetessWug said...

You don't have enough time for me to list them, I don't think!! ^_^ A couple are that I don't like clutter. I'll stop hubby in mid-sentence if he puts something down, like his glasses, and then gets ready to walk away! "That doesn't go there!!" He just ignores me at this point anyway though. They DO get put where they're suppose to be though!! ^_^ I'm also like this about what kind of ink pens I use to write with. A certain pen to write poetry, another to do lists, another to write letters to friends, etc... WOW! Now...hmmmm...what does this say about me?!! :-)

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Yours don't sound too bad Poetess. I think its a good thing that everything has its special place to live! That way when you go to get them next time you know exactly where they are :)
As for the pens, I totally understand the need for different ones for different uses. I have a space pen that Mark bought me & I will only ever use it on the competition crossword puzzles that I do. He can't work out why I wont use it every day for other stuff or even 'regular' crosswords.

PoetessWug said...

Ha! ha! I feel better now! ^_^