
Monday, October 25, 2010

Meet Me On Monday 19th Edition

hosted by Java at Never Growing Old


1. Do you sleep with a night light on?
2. What do you drink with dinner?
3. Do you play the lottery? If so, how often?
4. How often do you go to the grocery store?
5. Would you rather travel back in time 500 years or travel forward 500 years?


1. Do you sleep with a night light on?
No. I like it to be fairly dark when I go to sleep but Mark likes to have his torch handy so he can make it into bed safely. We leave it plugged in to the power point in the hallway so its a night light when its switched on.

2. What do you drink with dinner?
Usually I drink Pepsi-max but I don't always have a drink during dinner.

3. Do you play the lottery? If so, how often?
Not at all. I'd rather keep my money. There's no guarantee you'll win anyway.

4. How often do you go to the grocery store?
It depends on what I run out of in the pantry. Generally I go twice a week sometimes more depending on which supermarket I go to. There are some things I can get in one shop that I can't get in the other.

5. Would you rather travel back in time 500 years or travel forward 500 years?
Gosh what a good question. In some ways I would love to travel back 500 years just to see what it was like where my ancestors came from but that having said that I would also like to see what things would be like in the future. I wouldn't mind finding out what sort of wacky gadgets that are available 500 years from now.


Jacalyn @ said...

Good to visit again! Great answers but I cannot imagine going to the grocery store that often. I absolutely abhor that chore!


Jo-anne Blossy said...

I hate grocery shopping too, well most days I hate it. I do my best to try and get everything in one visit but it never seems to happen that way. I always manage to forget something.

kalea_kane said...

Great answers. I would definitely go forward in time, but I do think that it would be fun to see the past. :) Have a great day!

Karen and Gerard said...

My dad used to keep lights on all night--for his cats!

Stopping by from over 40 bloggers.

Trac~ said...

Hi - stopping by from Java's Never Growing Old to say hello and say I love your answers and agree with #3! Have a great day! :o)

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Karen, Kalea & Trac~

Carrie @carrieloves said...

I'm definitely with you about finding out about the wacky gadgets of the future - it would be so interesting.

PoetessWug said...

I love learning new things about you Jo-anne! As to the last answer, I would not go backwards!!! main reason being that as a woman of color, I would probably be in slavery!!! YIKES!!! ^_^ I guess I should say: A DIFFERENT kind of slavery!! I'm a slave to my devastatingly good looks and my aching joints now!!!! ^_^ {Just kidding...OF COURSE!} I look forward to 500 years in the future when the whole earth will be a paradise full of happy people! :-)

Shawn said...

Love the look of your blog. I am a new follower from Meet Me On Monday..great answers.


Jo-anne Blossy said...

Hi Shawn & Emerald its nice to meet you.

I'm with you Carrie it would be very interesting! I wonder if they would have the food replicators like they do in star trek. No more cooking for me!

Thanks Poetess. I too would hope that the future is a paradise where everyone gets along no matter what part of the earth they come from.
Just call me an eternal optimist :D

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you for stopping over. I enjoyed reading your answers. Hope you have a wonderful week. Very nice to meet you.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Debby. Its nice to meet you too.

Holly said...

Great answers! I don't think I could not drink ANYTHING... I usually drink water and a LOT of it... LOL!

Thanks for stopping by. I'm following you! (Geez!! I sound like a STALKER!) LOL!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks for stopping by Holly & for following back.