
Friday, July 24, 2009

Hospital Booking

I'm in shock. Really in shock. Well maybe I am over exaggerating a little but I am definitely something. I only mentioned that I saw the gynaecologist on Wednesday. Well yesterday afternoon I got a phone call from the hospitals 'bookings' office to say that I am now booked in for surgery on Monday August 3rd.

I'm freaking out a little here. I thought I had a few months to psych myself up for all of this. I was going to begin my UVB treatment again in the hopes that my skin would be a little more under control before I had to go into theatre and bare all. I was hoping that my skin would be a lot smoother and that I at least had my psoriasis behaving a little more than it is right now. Although that would be a coup if I did as I am having my period again right now and it never behaves when that happens!

I am stressing out big time that I go into hospital Monday week. Gosh it sounds horrible when I say it like that. Less than two weeks after seeing a specialist and I am admitted? I thought that the Australian hospital system was slower than that? Mark said it was because we are country and that is why I got in so soon. In fact I told the lady from bookings that he has mentioned that and she agreed. Well maybe this is one time I wish I lived in the city! I don't really wish that but I wish that the waiting list was longer.

I don't know if I can do this. Last time I was in hospital at least my Mum was around if I needed her. I know I have Mark but its not the same as having your Mum with you.

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