
Thursday, June 25, 2009

I've been Tagged

I wasn't too sure what this tagging thing meant but it looks like fun. Plus it gets me posting again which I must admit I have been a little slack on.

Tagging is a way to get to know your blogger friends better, have some fun & discover new Blogs you might enjoy!

I've been tagged by the lovely Jennifer of Wisdom Path Art who I met via Twitter. She is such a wonderful person with a beautiful soul!

The 2 rules of tagging are: (this is what you do)
1. respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention,
add one more question of your own (don't feel obliged as it's quite long already!)
2.Tag eight other people (and, let them know, of course!)

Here goes :

What is your current obsession?
I would have to say I have stacks of obsessions. Mostly twitter at the moment but I do go overboard with my knitting & crochet.

What is your greatest achievement?
I don't think that there is only one. My kids would be one of my greatest achievements. Getting my Diploma of teaching would be another. A lot of hard work went into getting that.

Coffee or Tea?
I no longer drink coffee. For some reason I find it tastes weird. I do drink the occasional cup of tea. I prefer Earl Grey :)

What’s for dinner?
I gave the kids chicken nuggets and tinned spaghetti. I wasn't really in the mood for cooking tonight.

What have you just made?
I just finished a very pretty fluffy pink scarf for one of my nieces.

What are you listening to right now?
The TV. Home and Away just started. I know what you're thinking ... she watches that?!? Yep ever since it started in the 80's.

What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
If I had to choose it would probably be caramel or something with passionfruit.

What do you think of the person who tagged you?
I think I said this bit already. Jennifer is an awesomely talented artist. She has a beautiful spirit and is full of encouragement. I love tweeting with her!

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Oklahoma! I want to see my Spirit Sister! I love my Diva!

Which language do you want to learn?
I learnt Indonesian as a kid. I wouldn't mind being able to speak it more fluently.

What’s your favorite quote (for now)?
Every little bit helps said the little old lady as she widdled into the ocean.
I have to thank my Mum for that one.

What is your favourite colour?
I don't have just one favourite but I love purples and blues.

What is your dream job?
I had my dream job. I was a teacher. Over the years though it has changed to Librarian. Although I don't think I'll get there at this moment in time but I still dream.

Do you admire any one’s style?
Not really. I don't tend to think that way.

Describe your personal style?
Sloppy. Well maybe not that more like casual & comfy.

What are you going to do after this?
I'll probably tweet for a little bit and then go do some knitting. I found a really nice cable pattern for some fingerless gloves.

What is your favourite fruit?
I don't just have one favourite. I love nectarines, peaches, mandarines and bananas.

What inspires you?
Other peoples creations. There are so many talented people out there!

Your favourite book?
Once again I find it hard to choose just one. I loved the Witches of Eileanan Series by Kate Forsyth & the Harry Potter books. I also love reading The Magic Circle by Katherine Neville.

Your favourite film?
Still having problems choosing just one. I always watch The Sound of Music when its on TV and I love Seven Brides For Seven Brothers (it was Mum's fave)

Do you collect something?
I used to collect cat ornaments. Now all I seem to collect is wool and fabric.

What is your favourite smell?
I love the smell of freshly baked bread & the smell of rain on a hot day.

What are you most proud of?
My boys. They surprise me with how thoughtful & helpful they can be. Although this afternoon I didn't think it .. oh well.

How many times do you press the snooze button before you get up?
I don't normally turn it off because I have it set to radio.

Cats or dogs?
I love cats. Although I do like dogs. We just don't have the space for one where we live.

Complete the following:
Love is: amazing!

What would you like to make next?
The fingerless gloves I mentioned earlier and perhaps I could finish my Noah's Ark quilt.

What the best piece of advice you have been given?
When my boys were younger someone told me that everyone has advice on how to raise your kids. Listen to them all and disregard anything that isn't relevant to you. I don't know if its the best but it certainly hasn't hurt.

How important is networking with & supporting other artists in your own work / How has it helped you? (emotionally, creatively, business wise, etc.)
It's been great being able to connect with people who are in the same boat as me. I have gained some wonderful friendships with some great people all over the world who are so supportive & inspiring too.

My added question .... Where would your ideal vacation/holiday spot be? Why?

Now for the people I shall tag ... although I don't think I know Eight but I'll give it a go!

here they are:
Katie of Good Life Eats
Jenna of Tilted Pirouette
Christie of Pigeon Pair
Garden Gnome of Mom's Cafe Home Cooking

Sorry I can't think of anyone else at the moment but I will add some more as soon as I can.

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