
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Don't Take It Personally

When someone is swearing at you like a trooper calling you all the horrible names under the sun like whore & slut, screaming at you from the top of their lungs. Making you feel terrible and worthless. What do you do? Do you accept it or fight back? Well I am supposed to remember this one sentence .. Don't take it personally. At least that is what the psychologist said when we saw him the other month. How can you not take it personally?

You know I could cope with this more if Brodie didn't get physical too. He says he doesn't realise that he does it. That isn't the point though is it. If he gets like this with me what will he do to his little brother?

I'm at the point where enough is enough. I can't handle his behaviour any more. I was thinking a short time ago how well I was doing and how perhaps I could start coming off the antidepressants that I have been on for years but these past two weeks (school holidays end tomorrow) I have felt more depressed than I have in years. Well maybe not depressed but more blue I suppose you could say. All I can say for the moment is I am glad that school goes back tomorrow!!

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