
Saturday, December 06, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

Oops I'm a little late with this but
Happy Birthday Angus!!
At least I have a couple of pictures to share even if the post is late :)
His birthday was Nov. 30th

I went shopping all over the place to find a birthday cake for Angus but there weren't any in our local supermarkets. I even tried the next town and the only cakes they had were old looking with cracked icing and on quick sale. So I had to make a cake! Shock horror!!
I made one of Angus's favourites ~~ Carrot Cake.
The recipe is on my cooking blog (yes I know that was a shameless plug rofl).

Brodie decided that he wasn't coming home with us after Church. He wanted to stay for the Youth Fireside. That was all well and good but it was his baby brothers birthday. He should've really come home with us. He missed a great dinner! Angus wanted my corned silverside with smashed potatoes. (These recipes are also on my cooking blog)
Oh well Brodie's loss not ours. Plus we were able to invite out neighbour over so it worked out well in the end.

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