
Thursday, October 09, 2008

Another Week's Gone By ...

Where has the time gone? Yet another week has slipped by. Thank goodness the boys are back at school. I don't know what I would've done if Brodie had been home for another week. He is driving me balmy. I truly hate his behaviour right now. He has he foulest mouth with the most horrible words spouting from it. Angus got his new mobile phone today and he was so over the moon about it. I hadn't seen him so happy in ages. We'd been waiting for two weeks for it to arrive. I'd bought in on ebay and was beginning to think that I was getting ripped off since I paid for it on the 23rd of last month. Anyway the phone arrived today. Angus was thrilled that it came with earphones (hands free really) and Brodie just blew his stack. Carried on how it wasn't fair that his phone never came with earphones. Well Mark pointed out that Brodie has the Play Station Portable that he was given by Cal the other week and how he had flatly refused to let Angus play with it. OMGosh you should have hear Brodie go off. Swearing and carrying on. Threatening people and just because he did not like the obvious being pointed out.

To be honest I was just glad that I was taking Angus to Safeway to get a sim card and some credit for his phone. I just wanted to get away from Brodie as soon as possible. His behaviour was just uncalled for. I asked Mark if he wanted to come with us just to get away from Brodie but he opted to stay in his shed. I was a little worried that something might go wrong while we were out and that Brodie would've taken off again. I was partially right. He did have another spazz attack or should I say continued with the one he started earlier. Apparently he kicked and thumped the gate and swore some more. Anyway he said he spoke with the Bishop and then prayed about how he was feeling. He then came and apologised to Mark. He was actually talking to Mark when we got back from the shops. I was pleasantly surprised that Brodie had calmed down. I guess I should be grateful that things calmed down and didn't escalate. Maybe I should just sigh with relief.

I hope tomorrow is a better day.

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