
Monday, September 29, 2008

One Down ... One To Go

We survived the first week of the school holidays but only just. I'm having trouble typing this at the moment, my cat Trip, has decided he wants some Mummy time and has sprawled himself on my left arm in from of the keyboard! He looks cute and each time I move him away he comes back. I guess I am stuck with him for the minute.

The stress and strain of things during this first week of the holidays was horrid. Let me just say that we are so looking forward to Brodie going on the Pioneer Trek!! We ALL need the break! I am just so tired of being the one stuck in the middle trying to prevent fights from progressing any further.

Last night we had Cal over, a lovely young man from our Ward. We took him along with us to the Stake Centre this afternoon. He is such a good kid and a wonderful influence over Brodie.

I'll add more about the Trek in my next post.

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