
Sunday, September 21, 2008

On the Battlefield!!

Things are still hard on the battlefield here. Well I guess you can call it a battlefield as that is the way it feels sometimes. It's almost like a never ending argument/tantrum/bickering session. Of course as I said in another post hindsight is a wonderful thing. Who said our house was boring!! It most certainly never is!

School holidays began on Friday afternoon. Yesterday was of course another tension filled day! With Brodie arguing with me. Daring me to touch him so that he could "Sort" me out. He was in such a foul and dangerous mood yesterday. I begged him to go for a walk but he kept on refusing and constantly taunted me to touch him or with his GO ON make me GO attitude. So I went out several times yesterday so that I didn't have to be near him. I hardly spoke to him at all. Only when I had to. In fact Mark dealt with him for most of the day. That was until Brodie began once again after dinner when I said he couldn't have a second helping of pasta after taking into consideration all of the food that he had eaten during the day. Well of course he didn't like getting told no. Next thing I know is he's gone from the house again. To be honest I wasn't sad or sorry that he had left I just felt relieved. I knew he wouldn't have gone too far as it was dark. I went on with all the things I had to do. Wash the dishes, prepare food for Sunday, etc.

Around 9 pm I got a phone call from Brodie telling me he had gone to visit a friend. I had a feeling he was at her house. I also spoke to a neighbour who was visiting her house and he said that he wound send Brodie home soon. He was the one who got Brodie to phone so that I knew where he was. As I said honestly I wasn't worried about him at this stage. I didn't think I needed to be overly concerned and I'm still not.

Today Brodie had a bee in his bonnet again. He got angry at me when I had asked for his medication container. I wanted to put some more tablets in the container that he had place in his school bag but I guess he thought I was going to keep the container and not let him go at all. He was meant to be going to the Bishop's house for a Youth Fireside tonight and was staying over at a friends from Church's house. Anyway I wanted him to have the right med for overnight and for the morning. You should have heard him go off at me for asking for the container. It was like I had sore at him or something. He told me in no uncertain terms that if he came home this afternoon to look out as he would hurt me and anyone else who prevented him from doing what HE wanted!I didn't know what to say. I wanted him to go to the fireside. I think it is the best thing for him to hang around with the youth from Church at least they are a good influence on him.

One we were at Church we found out that the fireside was cancelled due to the Bishop & his family being unwell. You have no idea what went through my mind when I heard that. I bet you have a good idea though. Thankfully the sleepover was still okay. I gave Brodie some money so that he could catch the train home tomorrow morning. So at least we are having a break at home right now and no doubt Brodie is enjoying himself where he is. I just hope and pray that he comes back in a better mood tomorrow.

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