
Friday, July 18, 2008

Cruise Control & Other Stuff

I'm not sure if I have already mentioned this but we now have cruise control in Emi. It makes things a lot easier when driving on the highway although I got flustered the first few times when trying to set the darned thing. I must admit I am getting much better at using it now and quite often use in on the school runs.

We bought fog lights for the car earlier this week. Mark found them on ebay. Last week when Brodie & I were driving home from visiting a friend from Church it was so foggy on the highway that we couldn't even see two metres (6 feet) in front of us. It was awful scary. I drove slowly & carefully (well around 70 -80 km) I am sure that other motorists would've been ticked off. Although I don't think that they would've overtaken us. There was one car that was quite happy to sit behind us until we got out of the thickest part of the fog.
Anyway, we now have fog lights on Emi and since we have had them put on there hasn't been ANY fog about to test them. It's always the way isn't it!!

Mark bought a CB radio for the car. To be honest I didn't want one but I can see the advantages of having it. It too was an ebay item & only arrived yesterday. I don't think he's finished connecting it all yet.

Last week we bought a lock box to go in the boot for the tools and things (motor oil, transmission fluid, etc.) plus a few other bits & pieces like ramps. All this bonus money that we got from the government is just about gone. I do know one thing we've spent an awful lot on the car and the rest of the money will NOT be spent on it. I want to buy something for ME, to pay off some bills & to put some away for emergencies.

Maity was right when we told him about us getting a new car. He said that Mark would make all these modifications to it.

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