
Sunday, July 01, 2018

It's Second Half of the Year Day!

Today is the 182 day of the year! 
I can't believe that we are half way through the year already! 
Things need to seriously slow down a bit!


On a slightly more serious note. This year hasn't quite turned out like I wanted it to. At least not so far but I can work on that.  I had set some goals at the beginning of the year. .. to learning to sew (it's not happened yet), wanting to go to more knit and natter sessions, attending the Temple more regularly and a few other things. There is still time to do all of these and I have also added new things to my list. 

One of my new goals is travelling to Perth, Western Australia. Which my hubby and I will be doing soon. Our boys will be staying home, they're adults now and can do their own thing. Plus someone has to stay at home and look after our pets, right! I will be meeting my mother in law for the first time! Some people have said that was a blessing but that isn't how I see it. I know it seems hard to believe that I haven't met her yet considering the length of time Mark and I have known each other (almost 20 years) and as a couple for 12 of those years.

We've been to Perth together and I am jumping at this opportunity to go. It's exciting to be able to catch up with some of Mark's family that I already know and for the ones I will be meeting for the first time! I can't wait!

So regardless of the fact that the year is half over. I am still aiming to achieve my goals. Sure I will add new ones, even alter the ones I have already started but I will get there. The trick is to not give up and just keep plodding along. I will get there in the end! 

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