Ta Da! :D |
I finally finished that bay cardi I was working on. What do you think? Pretty good huh not that I am biased or anything (okay maybe I am but it does look good). I am sure that it will look much better if it was being worn.
On to my next project I guess... whatever that is... maybe I should flip a coin or something :P
Very pretty! The babies in your family are gonna be the best dressed babies in around! :-]
Thank you Poetess. You know its funny that you mentioned that. Brodie & I were talking about that very thing this afternoon :) He said that when he has kids they're going to look great in all this handmade stuff
Very cute!
Thank you WildflowerWool :)
Beautiful job Joanne. And I love the "next project" attitude :-)
Thank you Maria :)
I did start a new project but I have already pulled it apart twice lol I guess that means I'm either not happy with it or I messed up the pattern :-/
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