The main concern Michael has at the moment is Brodie's blood pressure. For someone so you he has had high blood pressure for years. He's a big boy which doesn't truly help and the fact that he is now the third generation with high blood pressure doesn't help. His genes are against him in more ways that one. Although Michael is no expert on blood pressure problems with teenagers he said that it is highly likely that our GP may treat his high BP more aggressively once he is an 'adult'.
I'm not exactly sure what was going through Brodie's head knowing that this was his last visit. I am sure that he was a bit anxious because he tried to be the clown & make everyone laugh. He tends to do that when he feels stressed. They've had a good rapport for the past 9 years. I guess in some ways its like losing a friend to Brodie.
So when Michael spoke to Brodie about needing to lose weight. I could see the look on Brodie's face change. It was almost like I could see steam come out of his ears. He took that stance that he does when he is pissed off. The one where he stands firm and crosses his arms. His lips get thinner (if that is even possible) and is eyes completely change from sparkly to dagger-like. I had to try and diffuse the situation before anything happened.
Brodie is dead set against doing anything but sit on his bottom on his laptop talking to all of his online Facebook friends. He hardly ever does anything else. So for someone to suggest he do something different .. well, its like a slap in the face.
I suggested that perhaps he goes for a walk in the mornings. To which Brodie replied what for there is no point. So I then said he could get the paper or perhaps a drink of juice or milk from the supermarket. Not every day of course but every other day. He could even use the Wii. (I didn't think about that one until we were in the car going home). Brodie calmed down a bit then. Thank goodness because I didn't want him to go off at Michael especially when there was a waiting room full of families with young children. I didn't want them to hear his potty mouth!
Anyway, to hopefully help with this we are cutting back one of Brodie's medications (risperidone, the medication that helps him calm down a bit, its an anti-psychotic) it can sometimes make you want to eat more. I truly hope that reducing this one can make a difference with Brodie's appetite but I doubt that. He isn't eating all that much at the moment but that being said when he does eat he chooses the wrong foods and eats lots of it.
We'll see how he goes and our final review with the paediatrician will be in October.
Aren't check-ups just great?!....Not so much!...The high blood pressure thing could be an issue. Let's hope the change of meds helps. Good for you, keeping on top of things.
Poetess, thanks :) I hope that the change in meds helps too. Brodie has had high blood pressure for a couple of years now. I must admit that I am proud of Brodie. He has been getting up & going for a walk for the past two days. He is certainly starting off on the right foot.
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