
Saturday, February 05, 2011

Rain Update

We had a lot of rain last night. I uploaded those two videos to share of how it affected us but that was nothing compared to some suburbs in Melbourne and other towns in Victoria. From what I saw on twitter last night with the links to photos, we were very fortunate. While other places were even sandbagging. Ballarat copped quite a bit. Some of Mark's family lives there so I hope they are okay. I am sure that we will hear about it if they aren't.

Mark visited a friend last night, while it was raining, he is such a dedicated motorbike rider. Personally I would have stayed home to avoid getting soaked. Mark's friend lives on a farm about 10kms from our place (that's around a 5 minute drive away). The friend checked the rain gauge on the farm and it showed a rainfall of around 58mm (around 2.28 inches) just for yesterday and it was still raining at that stage. It's no wonder that our carport flooded with rain like that.

Would you believe it is still raining? And we still have another day or two of this type of weather.
Mark just told me its a bit of a mess out there. He went our for another ride this morning. There are trees down and paddocks are flooded. I know we prayed for the drought to end but I don't think we had this kind of weather in mind for when it finally broke.


PoetessWug said...

It sounds like you're REALLY getting a soaking!! Just be careful!...And I hope Mark's family is okay too. Sending good thoughts.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

We sure are getting nice & wet. Yes we are being extra careful when out on the roads.
The rain has stopped for now and the water is starting to drain. There was a stage where I thought the gutters & drains wouldn't cope very well but they have.
We don't normally hear from Mark's family all that often but I'll ask him to phone has Dad this weekend to find out how his Grandma & other family went with all this rain.