
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's HUGE!

I have a brand new monitor =)

Mark had organised this back in December and we had it on lay-by but with everything that has happened to us over the past few months with things needing to be replaces like the vacuum cleaner, Emi's new engine it got put on the back burner, Angus's glasses [which are still on lay-by]. I finally got around to collecting it today.

OMGosh it is HUGE! We have had to move stuff around a bit on the desk to fit it. Yes I use two monitors. [Its called dual head and you would be surprised at how many people think I have two computers running]. Yes I am a computer geek! Mark was trying to convince to have three monitors but I said no. Although we don't have a home for my old monitor ... not yet but I am sure Mark will find a good home for it in his shed.

If you wish to know how big the monitor is .. its a 23 inch wide-screen. I LOVE it! Although I have noticed one thing. Websites are NOT designed for wide-screens. There is far too much real estate going to waste. That being said however I am sure that if it was filled with stuff it would most likely be those annoying ads that we tend to ignore.

I am sure it wont take me too long to get used to it =)


Unknown said...

Wow, that is big! Mine is 17" and I thought that was big.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Beverly, the one next to my new monitor is a 17" or a 19" (I can't remember which) but it is certainly dwarfed by it.