
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Work In Progress

After reading one of our Poetess' blog posts (HERE) I was inspired to have a go at making my own fingerless gloves. I found a pattern in one of my crochet books and started making them yesterday. I have only completed one so far. I got distracted with other things but I do plan on finishing them today.

Mine certainly don't look as delicate as the ones Poetess made. I think it might be the colour or the fact that they are smaller. But that's okay. I'm guessing mine would be perfect for smaller hands. I might make some longer & slightly larger ones later. I just have to work out how to adapt the pattern I have.


PoetessWug said...

You make me smile so much!! I'm so glad that my crocheting is inspiring you to venture into new creations!! I love the fingerless glove too. I think you're ready to "Stomp With The Big Dogs" now!! LOL What's next?!...What's next?!! ^_^

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Poetess, your crocheting is wonderful. You have such an amazing talent!! I have to admit I am loving that I am becoming more confident with what I can crochet. I had knitted for years because that was the only thing I was good at. I am so pleased to be able to say that I am growing & learning as a crocheter =)

Empty Nester said...

I'm working on those too! I started a while back but had to restart, which is not uncommon with me and knitting. Mine have a bit of finger places too, they just aren't closed at the top. It's HARD.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

EmptyNester, I admire you for knitting fingerless gloves. I've never tried knitting them myself but I can see that trying to do the individual finger holes would be a challenge. Perhaps that's why I haven't had a go at making them myself. Good luck with yours =)

terrid614 said...

hi! thanks so much for stopping by my blog!! have a great tuesday!!!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

You're welcome terrid614 & thanks for visiting =)