
Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Little Baker

Angus wanted something 'nice' to eat. After searching through the pantry he didn't find anything that interested him. So I told him he had to bake something.
He searched the pantry again and found a cake mix. ..

After mixing the batter and 30 minutes of baking he took the cake out of the oven.
It's a butter cake by the way.

Here's the final product with some cinnamon flavoured icing.
Angus did a really good job considering that it was only a couple of weeks ago that he was too scared to put anything into the oven let alone take it out!

It's amazing how being 'hungry' for something nice will change a teenager and get them to do something they wouldn't normally do.


Kate Campbell said...

Well done, Angus. Cooking is a skill you will always be glad to have. I am just currently eating pancakes cooked by my dear son and they are delicious.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Angus said to say thank you to you Kat. How wonderful that your son made pancakes for you. I think food tastes better when someone else prepares it for you.

PoetessWug said...

I am impressed with Angus on two different fronts here. 1, that he was willy to push past a fear...facing that stove head on. Good job Angus!!...And 2, attempting to go outside of his knowledge to learn how to do something new! Baking isn't as easy as it looks! {Sure wish I could have tasted the fruits of his labor! ^_^...or rather, the cinnamon flavored icing!}

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Poetess, you should have seen how happy he was. I believe he now has a cooking buzz. He went to the supermarket with me this afternoon and got so excited when I went down the aisle with all the cake mixes. I am sure that once he makes a cake from scratch he wont want to use a packet mix again.
I am so proud of him :) Before I forget the cinnamon icing was delicious and so was the cake.