
Monday, December 13, 2010

Meet Me On Monday 26thEdition

Hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old


1. How do you order your steak?
2. Are you superstitious about anything?
3. Who is your best friend (not including your spouse)?
4. When is the last time your wore a dress (for the guys...a suit)?
5. Do you have any trips scheduled?


My Answers!

1. How do you order your steak?
I like mine medium rare, with just a tinge of pink. That way it isn't tough and chewy. Now if you had asked my Mum she would have said well done, almost to the point where it is blackened beyond recognition!

2. Are you superstitious about anything?
  • I don't know if its superstition or not but I have this thing against odd numbers. I like things done in 2's, 4's or 8's.
  • Don't open umbrellas indoors! A definite NO-NO!
  • I never walk under a ladder. It could fall on you :( that would definitely be bad luck!
  • Never put shoes on a table. Gosh my Mum would tear strips off you if you ever did that one!
  • Like Java, I too believe that bad luck runs in three's!

3. Who is your best friend (not including your spouse)?
Dang I would've said Mark. Sorry hon you don't count in this one :(
I would have to say Mish. She's my bestie from Primary School. You can read about her here.

4. When is the last time your wore a dress (for the guys...a suit)?
About two weeks ago when it was a bit warm. The boys looked at me a little strangely because I don't normally wear skirts/dresses. Hmm.. maybe its time I dressed a bit more girly.

5. Do you have any trips scheduled?
Not really, we are due to go and visit family in Adelaide next year not that we really want to go though. We no longer have a baby sitter for out cats so it might be a bit tough to go this time round.


Anonymous said...

We're WAY past due for a vacation. The problem is we can't agree on where to go.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Ellie, I know what you mean about being past due for a vacation. Our last holiday was 18 months ago. As for choosing where to go, perhaps you could write all the destinations on paper and place them in a hat. Whichever one you pull out of the hat is where you go. Not sure if that would help but perhaps its worth a try :)

Anonymous said...

I am dreaming for a vacation! A place where there is no cooking or cleaning to do :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Hugs xx

Empty Nester said...

Oh, I forgot about the numbers thing..I always pick prime numbers. And I don't the umbrella in the house either and the bad luck in threes...geez, I may be too superstitious! LOL

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Pat that sounds like it would definitely be a dream vacation!

EmptyNester, I don't think that is too superstitious ;)

Sheri said...

Another medium-rare fan! My in-laws like it WELL-DONE. Shoe leather, in my opinion!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

PoetessWug said... and your mom on the same page with the well done steak! Not that I like to eat it that often, but when I do I don't want to here no cows mooing!! Ha! ha!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I don't get well done meat, no flavor at all. I am with you on this one! Enjoyed reading your answers. Have a great week.

Lucy said...

Thanks a bunch for stopping by my blog!! I see we both are medium rare gals!!

Sounds like you are in need of a vacation but like all of us they seem to be hard to budget in or schedule around all the other plans of life!

It is funny how dresses have seemed to go to the wayside and to think at one time that is all the ladies wore!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Sheri, thanks for visiting & yes I agree it would be more like shoe leather!

Poetess, I think my Mum said the same kind of thing. She didn't want her steak running on her plate! lol

Thanks Debby. I hope you have a great week too!

Lucy, I think you are right about the dresses. They don't seem to be a very popular choice. I would love to own a few more myself but I can never find any that I like.
A holiday would be lovely but like you said its not always possible.

kalea_kane said...

I like my steak all nice and well done too. I grew up noshing on beef jerky so I think I like a chewy steak. :) I don't wear dresses often which I really should. Once I drop a few pounds and winter is over I may get back to it. My husband often goes on and on about this dress I wore on our honeymoon. :) Have a great week!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Kalea_Kane, I don't think I have ever tried beef jerky. Mark's asked me to a couple of times. Perhaps one day I might. They always remind me of Schmackos that dogs eat.
I hope you have a great week too!

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

I know my kids would look at me weird if I wore a dress. It has been so long since I have.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Rochelle, I think all kids do that don't they?? I am sure they just think their parents are weird fullstop :S I know mine do.

Helen Pigott said...

Just hopping on by to say Hi!
Hoping you have a lovely Christmas and fun new year.
Helen x

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thank you Helen

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I enjoyed reading your answers as well. I'll be back again soon!

Yvonne said...

Great answers! I forgot about things coming in 3's. I believe that too.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

You're welcome EdsHunnyBunny :)

Thank you Yvonne :)

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Nice answers! I have a bunch of cats, too. Travel would be tough. I will probably take my indoor cat with if I travel (yes, believe it or not, lol!) and try to find a babysitter for the others.

I liked your answers! Thanks for visiting my blog!!!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Rebecca. I can't imagine taking a cat on a holiday but I am sure your kitty would love your company :)

Unknown said...

I had to laugh about your shoes on the table comment. The other night I was at a friend's and she showed me her new shoes (which she had worn). When she finished, she put them on the dining room table. I'm pretty sure I gasped! ;-)

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Beverly, I probably would have gasped too.