Brodie phoned me around 11 am stating that he didn't have to be at school for the rest of the day because he doesn't have any more classes & could I please pick him up. I tell you that kid has MORE time off school than I ever did! This end of year stuff suck big time once you child is in year 10 or higher! Needless to day I wasn't too pleased about picking him up. It disrupts my plans for the day. Although I did make him earn his 'early' minute from school.
Brodie had to get the eggs from the egg farm, be my pack mule in the supermarket, put the groceries away (not that we had many) AND help puree the pumpkin for the pie. I could have made him do more. I'm just glad he didn't grumble about what I had asked him to do. He even said he enjoyed mushing up the pumpkin. Although he hated using the ricer and preferred to use a fork.
Sounds like a lot of work making pumpkin pie! :-) I go through similar stuff with my sweet potato pies!
Poetess, it was a little bit of work making the puree but its worth it :) Sweet potato pie, that sounds like something we could try.
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