Things I am thankful for
What are you thankful for this week?
- My internet connection - because all my friends live in there .. well not all of them but I have made some really great friends whom I have never met but it would be fantastic if I could.
- sunshine - just because it makes me feel so good right now
- my slow cooker - because I make some fantastic meals using it
- my cats - because they love me no matter what
What are you thankful for this week?
This week I'm thankful for the ability to crochet and type-talk again, after such a long time with the pinched nerve in my shoulder and arm. Some people may not be so thankful for this...I can be kinda wordy ^_^...But I'm Very thankful!!!
I'm with ya girl on the SUNSHINE!
Have a blessed day,
Poetess I know how hard it had been for you being unable to type. I too am thankful that you are able to because I love reading your poems :)
Thank you Holly. You have a wonderful day too :)
:-) You like my poems!!! I'm so glad!
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