B: I was talking with Sharon (his aide) and I was telling her I don't want to be at school. She said I should phone you. I want to come home.
Me: No.
B: But I have nothing to do.
Me: You have work to do. You can study. (He has exams coming up soon).
B: But I want to come home.
Me: Don't you have a music class today? Give me a good reason why you should come home.
B: 'cos you love me.
Me: Yes I do but that's not a good reason. You'll only come home and go straight onto Facebook.
B: No I wont. (Believe me he WILL, its one of the first thing he does when he gets home). I didn't stay on it last night.
Me: Yes you did. I'll see you this afternoon.
B: Huh?
Me: When I pick you up from the bus stop.
B: Oh :( I hate you!
Me: I know you do (not really he just doesn't like my decision)
B: I hate you!
Me: Okay but I'll see you this afternoon.
B: Okay. Bye Mum
Me: Bye.
Honestly he's a trier that one! I am hoping that he will learn that
- He can't just come home when he wants to. If he has a job he can't just leave because he doesn't want to be there that day.
- He learns to have staying power and NOT give up because he is bored.
- I wont always come to the rescue. He needs to learn to be independent and to work things out on his own.
- Even though I am not always at his beck & call that I do love him & will be there for him when he really needs me.
Ha!Ha! Ha! Sounds like you got the "Mom" thing down!!! ^_^ My mom was pretty good at it too!!
Thanks :) it's taken a lot of practise & patience to get like that.
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