hosted by never growing old
1. What is your favorite all time movie?
2. How often do you go over the speed limit?
3. What really gives you the creeps?
4. What is your favorite snack?
5. Would you rather be a dog named Killer or a cat named Fluffy?
1. What is your favorite all time movie?
Gosh there are too many to choose from. If I only had to choose one it would probably be The Stand. It's based on the Stephen King book. I see it as a classic good versus evil type movie. The book was scarier though but then again the usually are.

2. How often do you go over the speed limit?
I always go my best to do the speed limit & I am ever so thankful that Mark put cruise control in our car. I am also grateful that our speedo shows us travelling faster than we really are. We're actually going 5-10 kmph slower. I'd much prefer to be going slower & have people pass us. At least we'll still get to where we want to go.

3. What really gives you the creeps?
I don't know about things giving me the creeps but there are a few things that gross me out. Is that the same thing? Things like people sticking their fingers up their nose or sniffing like crazy instead of blowing their nose. They definitely make me sick.

4. What is your favorite snack?

5. Would you rather be a dog named Killer or a cat named Fluffy?
I'm definitely a cat person. Just as long as I was a spoilt rotten princess of a cat I would be happy! After all they sleep all day, well it seems that way with my two.

Please pass the Salt&Vinegar chips over when you're done with them! :) Those kitties are sooo cute!
Sure thing Chacogirl but there may not be many left :)
I've never seen that movie! You and my hubby would get along great..he loves salt n vinegar chips!
Love the kitties!!!
Have a great week!
Thanks Java. You have a good week too!
Yep, nose issues really gross me out, too, especially when they are really noisy about it or don't even bother with tissue.
I am your newest follower from Meet Me On Monday!
Have a great monday!
I've never seen that brand of chips, but we have a Sea Salt and Vinegar crunchy brand here that I could eat every day!!!...And I'm with you about the speed limit thing too. What's the hurry anyway people?! It'll still be there when you get there. And you'll probably be in a better mood if you haven't broke the sound barrier and 'ticked everybody off' before you got there!! MEOW!! :-))
New follower! Fun blog :)
By the way, I'm doing a blog post today that includes you!
Hi Tarunita & Candace its nice to meet you.
Poetess, samboy chips are Australian & these ones are really vinegary. I love them! You're right about people in a hurry. I just don't get it but I guess since I live in the country and not the city I don't feel the need to race about. It's more relaxing :)
I'll definitely have to check that out Poetess ;)
Nice to meet you and I am your newest follower! I am just joining in on the fun! I remember more than 20 years ago sitting in traffic, about 6 mths pregnant, and watching the person in the car pick their nose and eat it, yuk! It still makes me gag!
I can't believe I've never seen "The Stand"(I though I had seen every Stephen King movie) - I'll have to rent that now.
p.s. I love your kitty cat pic with the tails in a heart shape - too sweet :)
Hi Jacalyn its nice to meet you!
Hi Kristin, The Stand was actually shown on TV as a mini-series. Its about 6-7 hours long. I watch it quite a bit. It has Gary Sinise in it - I like a bit of eye candy now & then ;)
Great answers. Everyone seems to love the chips and it's making me miss them even more!
You're right chele, chips do seem to be the favourite. I honestly thought it would be chocolate!
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