Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.

I have always wanted a lilac point Balinese cat.
The colour looks so pretty. They just look so elegant & graceful.

Or I would love a Ragdoll.
They are just so placid and let you do just about anything to them. So to have one that looks like this picture would be great!
I would have to say that these cats are definitely on my wish list for pets and would be spoilt rotten just like the cats we have now.
I'm not really a cat person...Not meaning I don't like them, but I never owned one. My family were dog people. But I would own a kitty like this little cutie in a heartbeat!! :-)
We're sort of dog people but our backyard is so tiny its no good for a dog. There's nowhere for them to run. Angus is pretty much scared of any dog so that puts a dampener on things. However, being a cat person, well that's always been my thing. They're more independent & suit me better. I'm too lazy to have a dog but I do love them.
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