
Friday, July 30, 2010

Phone Calls

We've had made three reasonably important phone calls made today. Firstly, I made a call for Mark for an appointment at the radiologists we go to for his Facet Joint Injections (ouch). I managed to get an appointment for him for next Thursday. Thank goodness most of the cost is covered by medicare & we only have to pay the gap of $229.10

Secondly, I made a call to my GP's surgery to talk to the practice nurse so I could get the results of my Glucose Tolerance Test. I don't know if I am happy about the results or not. Perhaps you could say I am mildly happy. I am what is called pre-diabetic. My fasting Blood Sugar Level (BSL) was 6.1 and my BSL two hours after the sugary drink was 10.8. The results weren't that good but at least she didn't say I was a diabetic. I'll go into this more later on in another post.

Finally, Mark made a phone call to the cardiologist we saw a few weeks back to get the results of the scan he had. Good new on this front at least. There is nothing wrong with Mark's heart! Thank goodness. So the chest pains he has been getting are not heart related. Its a relief to know that that its not his heart but still a puzzle as to why he gets them. Something else for the GP to check out I guess.

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