
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Good News Postcard

Brodie's school is trialling a new positive behaviour program called PBS Good News Postcards. I'm not sure what the PBS stands for but basically they send a postcard home to you (the student) for doing something positive at school. Something that fits in with what is expected of the kids behaviour wise at school.

Today Brodie received a postcard in the mail. It's his third one. This one was sent home because he helped two of his classmates with a play that was part of their major assessment task for English. His teacher was obviously pretty pleased with what B had done.
Of course when I asked Brodie what he had done he said he played a kid & was just playing some games. He didn't think being in the play was such a big deal. Either way it was pretty good for him to receive one of the postcards. I am sure he liked the acknowledgement.

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