
Friday, July 23, 2010

Aspie Badges

I love shopping on ebay. Thanks to Mark I am getting more & more hooked on it. I love the fact that you can buy stuff online & have it sent right to your front door!

My latest purchase are these neat & cute little Aspie badges. Of course when I opened up my little parcel I had to put on the I {heart} Aspies badge on straight away!

I'm giving the Your Read My Badge one to Marks brother. I gave the Einstein one to Mark. I'll let Angus choose from what's left. Not that there is much that's really appropriate for him so I guess whichever he decides he wants he can have. The rest would pretty much be for Brodie.

Aspergers awareness is a great thing & if these badges helps us to teach others then its a VERY good thing.

The lady that sells these also had some Doctor Who badges for sale. I'm wondering if I should tell Brodie ...


Marita said...

They are fabulous. I'm so going to find some for us :)

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Hi Marita, if you look for ButtonBrat on ebay they are the ones I got. They are only small about the size of a 10c coin but they do look cute.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

oops my mistake the badges are about the size of a 20 cent piece