
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tink, Tink, Tink!

I just love the poems that are shared in the knit4charities group that I belong to. Here's one that was sent in today. Thanks Lisa for sending it in.
If you are handy with a hook, knitting needles or even a sewing machine & would like to donate some things for the needy please join the K4C yahoo group. This group is based in Australia but we do have some overseas members who love to donate in their local area. Plus the members are super-friendly & very helpful.

Tink, Tink, Tink!

Very carefully, stitch by stitch
I'm tinking and I'm tinking
Yes thats knitting backwards
I guess I wasn't thinking.

I could have frogged, thats ripped it,
Off needles and just pull.
Then sit for ages patiently,
Rewinding all that wool.

Those fancy yarns are fanciful
And all the rage you know.
But the stitches are so hard to see,
So one by one, back I go.

I finally get to the trouble spot
Relieved I've reached the place.
Now start again, I must slow down,
Its knitting.... not a race.

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