
Monday, April 19, 2010

Normal Knitter

Another fun poem in an email from the Knit4Charities group

Normal Knitter

I must be going crazy,
I can't stop buying wool.
I really will have to stop quite soon,
My house is nearly full.

Its great to know that theres variety
In my cupboards top to floor.
All colours, types and plys of wool
and yet I still buy more.

Some might look at it and see
a lot of work and run.
But when I look at all that wool,
I see, hours and hours of fun.

My husband threatens Rubbish Dump
Trailer full of wool of course.
He knows he'd never do it though
Or he'd up in divorce.

A friend told me that all this wool
Is going up with inflation.
And the other benefit is that
Its actually insulation!

So of course I will die happy.
As all good crafter friends I know.
I hope they knit in heaven.
Or the other place I'll go!

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