
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Like A Surgeon

Geez I am such a slacker at the moment when it comes to posting on my blogs. Just call me lazy bones!

I forgot to mention how that nerve conduction study went. It's definite that I have carpal tunnel. Not that I doubted that I had it. The doctor I saw at my GP's clinic (not my doctor as he was away on holidays at the time) has referred me to see a surgeon. Would you believe that I go and see him next week on Wednesday morning. I couldn't believe that I got in to see him so quickly. I guess that is also a bonus of living country. He travels out to my local hospital every so often to do consultations and surgeries there. Lucky me *she says nervously*.

When I have mentioned to my online friends the fact that I am seeing a surgeon because of my carpal tunnel I get loads of feedback. Some positive and some negative. I'm in two minds at the moment whether I want surgery or not. Its a very difficult choice to make especially when you don't know how successful this procedure is and what the success rate this surgeon has when performing this particular type of surgery.
Even my family have mixed reactions. Dad is all for it and my sister, Vicki, said that it could go wrong. What do you do?

I guess I am one of those people who probably shouldn't research how this operation is done. I have seen some awful photos of that happens to peoples hands when things go wrong. I don't like to think negatively but I need to know. If you get my drift. Knowledge is power after all.

So for now I am keeping my options open. The surgeon my even say that at this moment in time its not necessary for me to have surgery (but I doubt he will say that - I believe that most surgeons would want to cut you open it is their profession after all). Thankfully Mark has said he will come with me. At least I know with him there I wont be pressured or swept into having surgery until I know all the facts. I only have to wait just over a week to find out. Cross your fingers for me.

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