
Thursday, January 31, 2008

School is Back!

School went back yesterday. Thank goodness. I was almost at my wits end with the boys and their behaviour. Although Brodie's attitude was getting worse and after last nights episode of anger I don't know whether it will EVER improve. But first things first .. let me tell you how things went at school for the boys .. .. ..

The boys both got up early yesterday morning. It must've been at least 6 am as Angus woke me around 6:30 to say that they had done everything to get ready and could they please watch some TV. Now I don't normally let them watch TV in the mornings as it really makes the seem less alert when classes start.

We will now be giving another boy from Brodie's school a lift to and from the bus stop occasionally. I'll call him Nick (not his real name though). Nick also has Aspergers like Brodie does and he too will have an aide helping him at school. I met his Mum for the first time on Tuesday afternoon. She is such a lovely person. I think she and I will be good friends if we have the chance to socialise some more. Nick's Dad who I think is a shift worker will pick the Nick and Brodie up when he is able to. It's a good deal I think for both families.

Angus was so excited to be going back to school. He has been counting down during the holidays. It's no wonder that he was up so early on the first day back! As I was dropping him off I did the fake crying thing saying "My baby is now in grade 6 boohoo" he laughed and thought it was so funny. When I picked him up after school he said that he had a great day & that the new principal was good but different to Mr.B. I explained to him that there might be a lot of differences as every teacher has their own way of doing things from how they set out their classroom to what types of exercise books they like you to use.

When we finally got home Brodie was already sitting at the computer doing his homework. I was floored. I mean there it was the first day back and there he is on task doing the right thing! I was so proud of him for getting stuck into it straight away. I'm hoping that this trend continues.
Brodie got to meet his integration aide today, Mike. He will have Mike's help on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays which is good but I don't think that covers all the lessons that we had prioritised. Still I am hoping that it wont matter too much. I am just grateful that he has someone to help him now. This will be Brodie's best year at High School I just know it! Maybe it was Mike's encouragement that Brodie to do his homework last night.

After dinner last night the boys took the bins out as the garbage is due for pick up today. Anyway they took the bins out and Brodie got talking to one of the girls who live just across the road from us. While he was there he parked his butt rather heavily on her Mums car. Well our not so delightful neighbour stuck her nose in it and started ranting and raving at him to tell him off. Not her place though but she screamed and yelled non the less. Next thing I hear is Brodie swearing at her and threatening to smash her head in. I was in the middle of doing the dishes so I dropped what I was doing and headed outside to try and get Brodie indoors. I didn't have all that much luck. Mark also headed out the front too.

I swear I don't know what to do with that child! Angus was out there and agreed that he did 'jump' on the bonnet of the car. So Brodie couldn't lie about that one as he was definitely seen doing it. Plus some of our other neighbours were outside watching as well. (A real treat for them too huh). I had to tell Brodie in a way that he understood that it was not in his best interest to threaten an adult (or anyone else for that matter) and that if he was to follow through on his threats that I would in no uncertain terms have no choice but to phone the police to come and deal with him.

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